
                         5300 South 360 West, Suite 250
                           Salt Lake City, Utah 84123

                                  June 7, 2005

Dear Stockholder:

     On behalf of the Board of  Directors,  it is my  pleasure  to invite you to
attend the  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  of  Security  National  Financial
Corporation  (the "Company") to be held on Friday,  July 8, 2005, at 10:00 a.m.,
Mountain Daylight Time, at 5300 South 360 West, Suite 250, Salt Lake City, Utah.

     The formal notice of the Annual  Meeting and the Proxy  Statement have been
made a part of this invitation.  Also enclosed is a copy of the Company's Annual
Report for the year ended December 31, 2004.

     The matters to be  addressed  at the meeting  will  include the election of
seven directors and the  ratification  of the  appointment of Hansen,  Barnett &
Maxwell, P.C. as the Company's registered public independent accountants for the
fiscal year  ending  December  31,  2005.  I will also  report on the  Company's
business activities and answer any stockholder questions. The Board of Directors
recommends  that  you  vote  FOR  election  of the  director  nominees  and  FOR
ratification of appointment of the registered  public  independent  accountants.
Please  refer to the Proxy  Statement  for detailed  information  on each of the
proposals and the Annual Meeting.

     Your vote is very important.  We hope you will take a few minutes to review
the Proxy  Statement  and  complete,  sign,  and  return  your Proxy Card in the
envelope  provided,  even if you plan to attend the  meeting.  Please  note that
sending us your Proxy will not prevent you from voting in person at the meeting,
should you wish to do so.

     Thank you for your support of Security National Financial  Corporation.  We
look forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting.

                                Sincerely yours,

                                 George R. Quist
                                 Chairman of the Board and
                                 Chief Executive Officer



                         5300 South 360 West, Suite 250
                           Salt Lake City, Utah 84123

                             TO BE HELD JULY 8, 2005

Dear Stockholders:

     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders of Security
National Financial Corporation (the "Company"), a Utah corporation, will be held
on Friday,  July 8, 2005,  at 5300  South 360 West,  Suite 250,  Salt Lake City,
Utah,  at 10:00 a.m.,  Mountain  Daylight  Time,  to  consider  and act upon the

1.   To elect a Board of Directors  consisting of seven directors (two directors
     to be  elected  exclusively  by the  Class  A  common  stockholders  voting
     separately as a class and the remaining five directors to be elected by the
     Class A and Class C common stockholders voting together) to serve until the
     next Annual Meeting of Stockholders  and until their successors are elected
     and qualified;

2.   To ratify  the  appointment  of  Hansen,  Barnett &  Maxwell,  P.C.  as the
     Company's  registered  public  independent  accountants for the fiscal year
     ending December 31, 2005; and

3.   To  transact  such other  business as may  properly  come before the Annual
     Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     The  foregoing  items of  business  are more fully  described  in the Proxy
Statement accompanying this Notice.

     The Board of Directors  has fixed the close of business on May 24, 2005, as
the record date for determining  stockholders  entitled to notice of and to vote
at the Annual Meeting and any adjournment  thereof.  A list of such stockholders
will be available for examination by a stockholder  for any purpose  relevant to
the meeting during ordinary business hours at the offices of the Company at 5300
South 360 West,  Suite 250, Salt Lake City, Utah during the 20 days prior to the

     If you do not expect to attend the meeting in person,  it is important that
your shares be  represented.  Please use the enclosed  proxy card to vote on the
matters to be considered  at the meeting,  sign and date the proxy card and mail
it promptly in the enclosed envelope, which requires no postage if mailed in the
United  States.  You may  revoke  your proxy at any time  before the  meeting by
written notice to such effect,  by submitting a  subsequently  dated proxy or by
attending  the meeting and voting in person.  If your shares are held in "street
name," you should  instruct  your  broker  how to vote in  accordance  with your
voting instruction form.

                                     By order of the Board of Directors,

                                    G. Robert Quist
                                    First Vice President and Secretary

June 7, 2005
Salt Lake City, Utah


                         5300 South 360 West, Suite 250
                           Salt Lake City, Utah 84123

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                       For Annual Meeting of Stockholders
                           To Be Held on July 8, 2005

                               GENERAL INFORMATION

     This Proxy  Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation of
proxies by the Board of Directors  of Security  National  Financial  Corporation
(the  "Company")  for use at the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  to be held on
Friday,  July 8, 2005, at 5300 South 360 West,  Suite 250, Salt Lake City, Utah,
at 10:00 a.m.,  Mountain  Daylight Time, or at any adjournment or  postponements
thereof (the "Annual  Meeting").  The shares covered by the enclosed  Proxy,  if
such is properly  executed and  received by the Board of Directors  prior to the
meeting,  will be voted in favor of the proposals to be considered at the Annual
Meeting,  and in favor of the election of the nominees to the Board of Directors
(two nominees to be elected by the Class A common stockholders voting separately
as a class and five  nominees  to be  elected  by the Class A and Class C common
stockholders  voting together) as listed unless such Proxy specifies  otherwise,
or the authority to vote in the election of directors is withheld.

     A Proxy may be revoked at any time before it is exercised by giving written
notice to the  Secretary of the Company at 5300 South 360 West,  Suite 250, Salt
Lake City,  Utah 84123,  Attention:  G. Robert Quist, by submitting in writing a
Proxy  bearing a later date,  or by attending  the Annual  Meeting and voting in
person.  Stockholders  may vote their shares in person if they attend the Annual
Meeting,  even if they have executed and returned a Proxy.  This Proxy Statement
and accompanying Proxy Card are being mailed to stockholders on or about June 7,

     If a  stockholder  wishes  to  assign a proxy  to  someone  other  than the
Directors' Proxy Committee,  all three names appearing on the Proxy Card must be
crossed out and the name(s) of another  person or persons  (not more than three)
inserted.  The signed card must be  presented  at the  meeting by the  person(s)
representing the shareholder.

     The cost of this solicitation will be borne by the Company. The Company may
reimburse  brokerage firms and other persons  representing  beneficial owners of
shares  for  their  expenses  in  forwarding   solicitation  materials  to  such
beneficial  owners.  Proxies may also be solicited  by certain of the  Company's
directors, officers, and regular employees, without additional compensation.

     The  matters to be  brought  before  the  Annual  Meeting  are (1) to elect
directors  to serve for the  ensuing  year;  (2) to ratify  the  appointment  of
Hansen,  Barnett & Maxwell,  P.C. as the Company's registered public independent
accountants  for the fiscal year ending  December 31, 2005;  and (3) to transact
such other business as may properly come before the Annual Meeting.


     Only  holders of record of common stock at the close of business on May 24,
2005, will be entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.  As of May 24, 2005, there
were issued and outstanding  5,441,713 shares of Class A common stock, $2.00 par
value per share and 6,380,197 shares of Class C common stock, $.20 par value per
share,  resulting  in a total of  11,821,910  shares of both Class A and Class C
common shares.  A majority of the  outstanding  shares (or 5,910,956  shares) of
common  stock will  constitute a quorum for the  transaction  of business at the
meeting.  A list  of our  stockholders  will  be  available  for  review  at the
Company's  executive  offices during  regular  business hours for a period of 20
days before the Annual Meeting.

     The holders of each class of common  stock of the  Company are  entitled to
one vote per  share.  Cumulative  voting is not  permitted  in the  election  of


     After carefully  reading and considering the information  contained in this
Proxy Statement, each holder of the Company's common stock should complete, date
and sign the Proxy Card and mail the Proxy Card in the enclosed  return envelope
as soon as possible so that those  shares of the  Company's  common stock can be
voted at the  Annual  Meeting,  even if the  holders  plan to attend  the Annual
Meeting in person.

     Proxies received at any time before the Annual Meeting,  and not revoked or
superseded before being voted,  will be voted at the Annual Meeting.  If a Proxy
indicates a specification,  it will be in accordance with the specification.  If
no  specification  is  indicated,  the Proxy will be voted for  approval  of the
election of the seven directors  recommended by the Board of Directors,  for the
ratification  of the  appointment  of  Hansen,  Barnett & Maxwell,  P.C.  as the
Company's  registered public independent  accountants for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2005,  and in the discretion of the persons named in the Proxy with
respect to the other  business  that may properly come before the meeting or any
adjournments of the meeting. You may also vote in person by ballot at the Annual

     The  Company's  Articles of  Incorporation  provide that the Class A common
stockholders and Class C common stockholders have different voting rights in the
election of directors.  The Class A common  stockholders  voting separately as a
class will be entitled to vote for two of the seven directors to be elected (the
nominees to be voted upon by the Class A common stockholders  separately consist
of Messrs. J. Lynn Beckstead, Jr. and H. Craig Moody).

     The  remaining  five  directors  will be elected by the Class A and Class C
common stockholders voting together (the nominees to be so voted upon consist of
Messrs. Charles L. Crittenden, Robert G. Hunter, M.D., George R. Quist, Scott M.
Quist,  and Norman G.  Wilbur).  For the other  business to be  conducted at the
Annual Meeting,  the Class A and Class C common stockholders will vote together,
one vote per share. Class A common stockholders will receive a different form of
Proxy than the Class C common stockholders.

     Your vote is important.  Please  complete and return the Proxy Card so your
shares can be represented at the Annual  Meeting,  even if you plan to attend in

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

                                   PROPOSAL 1
The Nominees

     The Company's Board of Directors consists of seven directors. All directors
are elected  annually to serve until the next annual meeting of stockholders and
until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified, or until their
earlier  resignation  or removal.  The  nominees  for the  upcoming  election of
directors include four independent directors, as defined in the applicable rules
for  companies  traded on The  Nasdaq  Stock  Market,  and three  members of the
Company's  senior  management.  All of the nominees for director  have served as
directors since the 2004 Annual Meeting.

     The  nominees to be elected by the  holders of Class A common  stock are as

      Name              Age      Director Since     Position(s) with the Company
      ----               ---      --------------   ----------------------------
J. Lynn Beckstead, Jr.    51      March 2002        Vice President of
                                                      Mortgage Operations
                                                      and Director
H. Craig Moody            53        September 1995    Director

     The  nominees  for  election  by the  holders of Class A and Class C common
stock, voting together, are as follows:

      Name               Age      Director Since   Position(s) with the Company
      ----               ---      --------------   ----------------------------
Charles L. Crittenden     85      October 1979       Director
Robert G. Hunter, M.D.    45      October 1998       Director
George R. Quist           84      October 1979       Chairman of the Board
                                                     and Chief Executive Officer
Scott M. Quist            52      May 1986           President, Chief Operating
                                                     Officer and Director
Norman G. Wilbur          66      October 1998       Director

     The  following is a description  of the business  experience of each of the
nominees and directors.


     George R. Quist has been Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive  Officer
of the Company since October 1979.  Mr. Quist served as President of the Company
from 1979 until July  2002.  From 1960 to 1964,  Mr.  Quist was  Executive  Vice
President and Treasurer of Pacific Guardian Life Insurance Company. From 1946 to
1960, he was an agent,  District Manager and Associate General Agent for various
insurance companies. Mr. Quist also served from 1981 to 1982 as the President of
The National  Association  of Life  Companies,  a trade  association of 642 life
insurance companies, and from 1982 to 1983 as its Chairman of the Board.

     Scott M. Quist has been President of the Company since July 2002, its Chief
Operating  Officer since October 2001,  and a director since May 1986. Mr. Quist
served as First Vice  President of the Company from May 1986 to July 2002.  From
1980 to 1982, Mr. Quist was a tax specialist  with Peat,  Marwick,  Mitchell,  &
Co., in Dallas, Texas. From 1986 to 1991, he was Treasurer and a director of The
National  Association of Life  Companies,  a trade  association of 642 insurance
companies  until its merger with the  American  Council of Life  Companies.  Mr.
Quist  has been a member  of the Board of  Governors  of the  Forum 500  Section
(representing  small  insurance  companies)  of the  American  Council  of  Life
Insurance.  He has also served as a regional  director of Key Bank of Utah since
November  1993.  Mr.  Quist is  currently a director  and past  president of the
National  Alliance  of Life  Companies,  a trade  association  of over  200 life

     J. Lynn Beckstead Jr. has been Vice President of Mortgage  Operations and a
director  of the Company  since  March  2002.  In  addition,  Mr.  Beckstead  is
President of  SecurityNational  Mortgage  Company,  an affiliate of the Company,
having served in this position since July 1993. From 1990 to 1993, Mr. Beckstead
was Vice President and a director of Republic Mortgage Corporation. From 1983 to
1990,  Mr.  Beckstead  was Vice  President  and a director of Richards  Woodbury
Mortgage Corporation. From 1980 to 1983, he was a principal broker for Boardwalk
Properties. >From 1978 to 1980, Mr. Beckstead was a residential loan officer for
Medallion Mortgage Company. From 1977 to 1978, he was a residential construction
loan manager of Citizens Bank.

     Charles L.  Crittenden  has been a director  of the Company  since  October
1979.  Mr.  Crittenden  has been sole  stockholder  of Crittenden  Paint & Glass
Company since 1958. He is also an owner of Crittenden Enterprises, a real estate
development company, and Chairman of the Board of Linco, Inc.

     Robert G.  Hunter,  M.D. has been a director of the Company  since  October
1998. Dr. Hunter is currently a practicing  physician in private  practice.  Dr.
Hunter created the statewide E.N.T.  Organization (Rocky Mountain E.N.T.,  Inc.)
where he is currently a member of the Executive  Committee.  He is also Chairman
of Surgery at Cottonwood  Hospital,  a delegate to the Utah Medical  Association
and  a  delegate  representing  the  State  of  Utah  to  the  American  Medical
Association, and a member of several medical advisory boards.

     H. Craig Moody has been a director of the Company since September 1995. Mr.
Moody is owner of Moody &  Associates,  a political  consulting  and real estate
company.  He is a former  Speaker  and  House  Majority  Leader  of the House of
Representatives of the State of Utah.

     Norman G. Wilbur has been a director of the Company since October 1998. Mr.
Wilbur worked for J.C.  Penny's  regional  offices in budget and  analysis.  His
final position was Manager of Planning and Reporting for J.C.  Penney's  stores.
After 36 years with J.C.  Penny's,  he took an option of an early  retirement in
1997.  Mr.  Wilbur is a past board member of a homeless  organization  in Plano,

     The Board of Directors recommends that stockholders vote "FOR" the election
of each of the director nominees.

The Board of Directors, Board Committees and Meetings

     The Company's  Bylaws provide that the Board of Directors  shall consist of
not less than  three nor more than  eleven  members.  The term of office of each
director is for a period of one year or until the election and  qualification of
his successor.  A director is not required to be a resident of the State of Utah
but must be a stockholder of the Company. The Board of Directors held a total of
five  meetings  during the fiscal year ended  December  31,  2004.  No directors
attended  fewer than 75% of all  meetings of the Board of  Directors  during the
2004 fiscal year.


     The size of the Board of  Directors  of the  Company for the coming year is
seven members.  Four of the directors,  or a majority of the Board of Directors,
are independent  directors.  The independent  directors have regularly scheduled
meetings at which only independent directors are present.

     Unless  authority is withheld by your Proxy, it is intended that the common
stock represented by your Proxy will be voted for the respective nominees listed
above.  If any nominee should not serve for any reason,  the Proxy will be voted
for such person as shall be designated by the Board of Directors to replace such
nominee. The Board of Directors has no reason to expect that any nominee will be
unable to serve.  There is no  arrangement  between any of the  nominees and any
other  person or  persons  pursuant  to which he was or is to be  selected  as a
director.  There is no family relationship between or among any of the nominees,
except that Scott M. Quist is the son of George R. Quist.

     There  are  four   committees  of  the  Board  of  Directors,   which  meet
periodically during the year: the Audit Committee,  the Compensation  Committee,
the Executive Committee, and the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee.

     The Compensation  Committee is responsible for recommending to the Board of
Directors for approval the annual  compensation of each executive officer of the
Company and the  executive  officers of the Company's  subsidiaries,  developing
policy in the areas of compensation and fringe benefits, contributions under the
Employee Stock Ownership Plan,  contribution under the 401(k) Retirement Savings
Plan,  Deferred  Compensation  Plan,  granting of options under the stock option
plans,  and  creating  other  employee   compensation  plans.  The  Compensation
Committee consists of Messrs. Charles L. Crittenden (Chairman of the Committee),
H. Craig Moody,  Robert G. Hunter,  M.D. and Norman G. Wilbur.  During 2004, the
Compensation Committee met on two occasions.

     The Audit  Committee  directs  the  auditing  activities  of the  Company's
internal  auditors and outside public  accounting firm and approves the services
of the outside public  accounting firm. The Audit Committee  consists of Messrs.
Charles L.  Crittenden,  H. Craig  Moody and Norman G. Wilbur  (Chairman  of the
Committee). During 2004, the Audit Committee met on four occasions.

     The Executive Committee reviews Company policy, major investment activities
and  other  pertinent  transactions  of the  Company.  The  Executive  Committee
consists of Messrs.  George R. Quist, Scott M. Quist, and H. Craig Moody. During
2004, the Executive Committee met on two occasions. During 2004, there were four
meetings of the Company's Board of Directors.

     The Nominating and Corporate Governance  Committee  identifies  individuals
qualified to become  board  members  consistent  with  criteria  approved by the
board,  recommends  to the board the  persons to be  nominated  by the board for
election as directors at a meeting of stockholders,  and develops and recommends
to the  board a set of  corporate  governance  principles.  The  Nominating  and
Corporate  Governance  Committee consists of Messrs.  Charles L. Crittenden,  H.
Craig Moody  (Chairman of the Committee),  Robert G. Hunter,  M.D. and Norman G.
Wilbur. The Nominating and Corporate  Governance Committee is composed solely of
independent  directors,  as defined in the listing standards of The Nasdaq Stock
Market, Inc.

Director Nominating Process

     The process for identifying and evaluating  nominees for directors  include
the following  steps:  (1) the  Nominating and Corporate  Governance  Committee,
Chairman of the Board or other board members  identify a need to fill  vacancies
or add newly  created  directorships;  (2) the  Chairman of the  Nominating  and
Corporate  Governance  Committee  initiates  a search and seeks input from board
members and senior  management  and, if necessary,  obtains advice from legal or
other  advisors  (but  does not  hire an  outside  search  firm);  (3)  director
candidates,  including  any  candidates  properly  proposed by  stockholders  in
accordance  with the  Company's  bylaws,  are  identified  and  presented to the
Nominating  and Corporate  Governance  Committee;  (4) initial  interviews  with
candidates  are  conducted  by the  Chairman  of the  Nominating  and  Corporate
Governance  Committee;  (5) the  Nominating and Corporate  Governance  Committee
meets to consider and approve final  candidate(s) and conduct further interviews
as necessary;  and (6) the Nominating and Corporate  Governance  Committee makes
recommendations  to the board for  inclusion  in the slate of  directors  at the
annual meeting.  The evaluation  process will be the same whether the nominee is
recommended by a stockholder or by a member of the Board of Directors.


     The Nominating and Corporate  Governance  Committee will consider  nominees
proposed by stockholders.  To recommend a perspective nominee for the Nominating
and Corporate Governance Committee's consideration,  stockholders may submit the
candidate's name and  qualifications  to: G. Robert Quist,  First Vice President
and Secretary,  Security National  Financial  Corporation,  5300 South 360 West,
Suite 250, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123.  Recommendations  from  stockholders  for
nominees  must be received by Mr.  Quist not later than the date set forth under
"Deadline for Receipt of  Stockholder's  Proposals for Annual Meeting to be Held
in July 2006"; below.

     The Nominating and Corporate  Governance  Committee  operates pursuant to a
written  charter.  The full text of the charter is  published  on the  Company's
website at www.securitynational.com.  Stockholders may also obtain a copy of the
charter without charge by writing to: G. Robert Quist,  First Vice President and
Secretary,  Security National Financial Corporation,  5300 South 360 West, Suite
250, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123.

Meetings of Non-Management Directors

     The Company's  non-management  directors  regularly meet without management
participation.  In addition, an executive session including only the independent
directors is held at least annually.

Stockholder Communications with the Board of Directors

     Stockholders  who wish to  communicate  with the  Board of  Directors  or a
particular  director may send a letter to G. Robert Quist,  First Vice President
and Secretary,  Security National  Financial  Corporation,  5300 South 360 West,
Suite 250, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123. The mailing envelope must contain a clear
notation   indicating   that  the  enclosed   letter  is  a   "Stockholder-Board
Communication" or  "Stockholder-Director  Communication."  All such letters must
identify  the author as a  stockholder  and clearly  state  whether the intended
recipients  are all members of the board or just  certain  specified  individual
directors. The Secretary will make copies of all such letters and circulate them
to the appropriate director or directors.

Executive Officers

     The  following  table sets forth  certain  information  with respect to the
executive  officers of the Company (the business  biographies  for the first two
individuals are set forth above):

        Name                 Age             Title
  ------------------         ---     ------------------
  George R. Quist(1)          84     Chairman of the Board and
                                     Chief Executive Officer
  Scott M. Quist(1)           52     President, Chief Operating Officer
                                     and Director
  G. Robert Quist(1)          53     First Vice President and Secretary
  Stephen M. Sill             59     Vice President, Treasurer and
                                     Chief Financial Officer
  J. Lynn Beckstead, Jr.      51     Vice President of Mortgage Operations
                                     and Director
  Christie Q. Overbaugh(1)    56     Senior Vice President of Internal
                                     Operations of Southern Security Life
                                     Insurance Company

     (1) George R. Quist is the father of Scott M. Quist,  G.  Robert  Quist and
Christie Q. Overbaugh

     Stephen  M. Sill has been Vice  President,  Treasurer  and Chief  Financial
Officer of the Company since March 2002.  From 1997 to March 2002,  Mr. Sill was
Vice  President and  Controller of the Company.  From 1994 to 1997, Mr. Sill was
Vice President and Controller of Security National Life Insurance Company.  From
1989 to 1993, he was  Controller  of Flying J. Inc. From 1978 to 1989,  Mr. Sill
was Senior Vice President and Controller of Surety Life Insurance Company.  From
1975 to 1978, he was Vice President and Controller of Sambo's  Restaurant,  Inc.
From 1974 to 1975,  Mr. Sill was Director of Reporting  for  Northwest  Pipeline
Corporation. From 1970 to 1974, he was an auditor with Arthur Andersen & Co. Mr.
Sill is a past president and a former  director of the Insurance  Accounting and
Systems  Association  (IASA),  a national  association  of over 1,300  insurance
companies and associate members.


     G. Robert Quist has been First Vice  President and Secretary of the Company
since March 2002.  Mr. Quist has also served as First Vice  President of Singing
Hills  Memorial  Park since  1996.  Mr.  Quist has served as Vice  President  of
Memorial Estates since 1982; he began working for Memorial Estates in 1978. Also
since 1987, Mr. Quist has served as President and a director of Big Willow Water
Company  and  as  Secretary-Treasurer  and  a  director  of  the  Utah  Cemetery
Association.  From 1987 to 1988,  Mr. Quist was a director of  Investors  Equity
Life Insurance Company of Hawaii.

     Christie Q. Overbaugh has been Senior Vice President of Internal Operations
for Southern Security Life Insurance Company since June 2002, and Vice President
of Underwriting of Security  National Life Insurance Company since October 1998.
Ms. Overbaugh has also served as Vice President of the Company from October 1999
to June 2002, and as Vice President of Underwriting  for Southern  Security Life
Insurance  Company from October 1998 to June 2002.  >From 1985 to 1990,  she was
Chief  Underwriter  for Investors  Equity Life  Insurance  Company of Hawaii and
Security National Life Insurance  Company.  From 1990 to 1991, Ms. Overbaugh was
President of the Utah Home Office  Underwriters  Association.  Ms.  Overbaugh is
currently  a member  of the Utah Home  Office  Underwriters  Association  and an
Associate Member of LOMA (Life Office Management Association).

     The  Board of  Directors  of the  Company  has a written  procedure,  which
requires  disclosure to the board of any material interest or any affiliation on
the part of any of its officers,  directors or employees  that is in conflict or
may be in conflict with the interests of the Company.

     No director,  officer or 5% stockholder of the Company or its subsidiaries,
or any  affiliate  thereof  has had any  transactions  with the  Company  or its
subsidiaries during 2004 or 2003.

Corporate Governance

     Corporate  Governance  Guidelines.  The  board  has  adopted  the  Security
National Financial Corporation Corporate Governance Guidelines. These guidelines
outline   the   functions   of   the   board,   director    qualifications   and
responsibilities,  and  various  processes  and  procedures  designed  to insure
effective and  responsive  governance.  The guidelines are reviewed from time to
time in response to regulatory  requirements  and best practices and are revised
accordingly.  The full text of the  guidelines  is  published  on the  Company's
website  at  www.securitynational.com.   A  copy  of  the  Corporate  Governance
Guidelines may also be obtained at no charge by written request to the attention
of G. Robert  Quist,  First Vice  President  and  Secretary,  Security  National
Financial  Corporation,  5300 South 360 West,  Suite 250,  Salt Lake City,  Utah

     Code of Business  Conduct.  All of the  Company's  officers,  employees and
directors are required to comply with the Company's Code of Business Conduct and
Ethics to help insure that the  Company's  business is conducted  in  accordance
with appropriate  standards of ethical behavior.  The Company's Code of Business
Conduct and Ethics covers all areas of professional conduct,  including customer
relationships,  conflicts of interest,  insider trading,  financial disclosures,
intellectual  property  and  confidential  information,  as  well  as  requiring
adherence to all laws and  regulations  applicable  to the  Company's  business.
Employees are required to report any  violations or suspected  violations of the
Code. The Code includes an anti-retaliation statement. The full text of the Code
of  Business  Conduct  and  Ethics is  published  on the  Company's  website  at
www.securitynational.com.  A copy of the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics may
also be obtained at no charge by written  request to the  attention of G. Robert
Quist,   First  Vice  President  and  Secretary,   Security  National  Financial
Corporation, 5300 South 360 West, Suite 250, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123.


Executive Officer Compensation

     The  following  table sets forth,  for each of the last three fiscal years,
the  compensation  received by George R. Quist,  the  Company's  Chairman of the
Board  and  Chief  Executive   Officer,   and  all  other   executive   officers
(collectively,  the "Named  Executive  Officers")  at December 31,  2004,  whose
salary and bonus for all  services in all  capacities  exceed  $100,000  for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2004.


                           Summary Compensation Table
                                                                                           Annual Compensation
                                      Long-Term Compensation
                                                          Annual     Restricted     Securities      Long-Term    All Other
Name and                                                  Compen-       Stock       Underlying      Incentive    Compen-
Principal Position        Year    Salary($)  Bonus($)  sation($)(2)    Awards($)  Options/SARs(#)   Payout($)    sation($)(3)
------------------        ----    ---------  --------  ------------    ---------  ---------------------------    ------------
<S>                       <C>    <C>        <C>          <C>            <C>         <C>              <C>        <C>
George R. Quist (1)       2004   $165,600   $ 50,000     $2,400          $0          100,000          $0        $26,002
  Chairman of the         2003    165,600     50,000      2,400           0          100,000           0         23,273
  Board and Chief         2002    165,600     25,000      2,400           0           80,000           0         31,186
  Executive Officer

Scott M. Quist (1)        2004   $215,900   $ 75,000     $7,200          $0       1,000,000(4)        $0        $34,773
  President, Chief        2003    205,400     60,000      7,200           0          70,000            0         29,531
  Operating Officer       2002    179,400     35,000      7,200           0          40,000            0         24,066
  and Director

J. Lynn Beckstead, Jr.    2004   $195,796   $ 85,000         $0          $0           5,000           $0        $25,750
  Vice President of       2003    158,500    255,675          0           0          15,000            0         16,104
  Mortgage Operations     2002    150,000    120,401          0           0          10,000            0         15,101
  and Director

G. Robert Quist (1)       2004   $104,814   $      0     $2,400          $0          10,000           $0        $10,711
  First Vice President    2003     87,175     16,599      2,400           0          35,000            0          9,748
  and Secretary

Stephen M. Sill           2004   $102,855 $    6,000     $3,600          $0           5,000           $0        $11,684
  Vice President,
  Treasurer and Chief
  Financial Officer


     (1)  George R. Quist is the father of Scott M. Quist and G. Robert Quist.

     (2)  The amounts  indicated  under "Other Annual  Compensation"  consist of
          payments  related  to  the  operation  of  automobiles  by  the  Named
          Executive  Officers.   However,  such  payments  do  not  include  the
          furnishing of an  automobile by the Company to George R. Quist,  Scott
          M. Quist, J. Lynn Beckstead Jr., and G. Robert Quist,  nor the payment
          of  insurance  and  property  taxes with  respect  to the  automobiles
          operated by the Named Executive Officers.

     (3)  The amounts  indicated under "All Other  Compensation"  consist of (a)
          amounts contributed by the Company into a trust for the benefit of the
          Named  Executive   Officers  under  the  Security  National  Financial
          Corporation Deferred  Compensation Plan (for the years 2004, 2003, and
          2002, such amounts were George R. Quist, $21,341, $18,590 and $16,207,
          respectively;   Scott  M.  Quist,   $23,001,   $23,000  and   $19,219,
          respectively;  J.  Lynn  Beckstead,  Jr.,  $21,000,  $12,750  and  $0,
          respectively;  G. Robert Quist,  $10,161 and $9,394 for the years 2004
          and 2003,  respectively;  and  Stephen  M. Sill  $11,134  for the year
          2004);  (b)  insurance  premiums paid by the Company with respect to a
          group  life  insurance  plan for the  benefit  of the Named  Executive
          Officers  (for the years 2004,  2003 and 2002,  such  amounts were for
          George R.  Quist  $17,  $39 and $125,  respectively;  and for Scott M.
          Quist, G. Robert Quist,  Stephen M. Sill and J. Lynn  Beckstead,  Jr.,
          $550, $354, and $642 each, respectively);  (c) life insurance premiums
          paid by the  Company  for the benefit of the family of George R. Quist
          ($4,644  for each of the years  2004,  2003 and 2002);  Scott M. Quist
          ($11,222 for the year 2004,  $6,177 for the year 2003,  $4,205 for the
          year 2002); and J. Lynn Beckstead, Jr. ($4,200 for the year 2004); (d)
          compensation  paid for the  cashless  exercise  of  50,000  shares  of
          Company  stock  exercised  by George R. Quist  ($10,210)  for the year
          2002;  (e) amounts  contributed  by the  Company  into a trust for the
          benefit of the Named  Executive  Officers under the Security  National
          Financial  Corporation's Employer Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) (for the
          years 2003 and 2002,  such amounts were J. Lynn Beckstead Jr.,  $3,000
          and $2,754,  respectively;  and (f) amounts contributed by the Company
          into a trust for the benefit of the Named Executive Officers under the
          Security National Financial Corporation Tax-Favored Retirement Savings
          Plan (401-k) Plan) (for the years 2003 and 2002,  such amounts were J.
          Lynn Beckstead Jr., $0 and $11,705,  respectively).  The amounts under
          "All Other  Compensation"  do not include the no-interest  loan in the
          amount of $172,000  that the Company  made to George R. Quist on April
          29, 1998 to exercise  stock options  granted to him. The loan has been
          fully paid as of March 31, 2005.


     (4)  Options to  purchase  1,000,000  shares of Class C common  stock.  The
          Class C common shares are  convertible to Class A common shares on the
          basis of ten  shares  of Class C common  stock to one share of Class A
          common stock.

     The  following  table sets forth  information  concerning  the  exercise of
options to acquire shares of the Company's  Common Stock by the Named  Executive
Officers  during  the  fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  2004,  as well as the
aggregate  number and value of unexercised  options held by the Named  Executive
Officers on December 31, 2004.

     Aggregated  Option/SAR  Exercised  in Last Fiscal Year and Fiscal  Year-End
Option/SAR Values:

                                                              Number of
                                                             Securities                                  Value of
                                                             Underlying                                 Unexercised
                                                             Unexercised                               In-the-Money
                                                           Options/SARs at                            Options/SARs at
                        Shares                              December 31,                               December 31,
                     Acquired on                               2004(#)                                    2004
                      Exercise       Value                    -------                                    ------
Name                   (#)         Realized       Exercisable          Unexercisable            Exercisable  Unexercisable
----                 --------      --------       -----------          -------------            -----------  -------------
<S>                   <C>          <C>               <C>                    <C>              <C>               <C>
George R.  Quist      68,298       $560,040          153,620               -0-               $    27,233       $   -0-
Scott M. Quist          -0-            -0-          1,082,175(1)           -0-                       -0-           -0-
J. Lynn Beckstead, Jr. 8,355         62,243           21,788               -0-                       -0-           -0-
G. Robert Quist        6,862         51,455           49,088               -0-                       -0-           -0-
Stephen M. Sill        3,718         32,350            5,250               -0-                    1,228            -0-


     (1)  Includes options to purchase 1,000,000 shares of Class C common stock.
          The Class C common shares are  convertible to Class A common shares on
          the basis of ten shares of Class C common  stock to one share of Class
          A common stock.

Retirement Plans

     On December 8, 1988, the Company entered into a deferred  compensation plan
with George R. Quist,  the Chairman and Chief Executive  officer of the Company.
The plan was later amended on three occasions with the third amendment effective
February 1, 2001. Under the terms of the plan as amended, upon the retirement of
Mr.  Quist,  the Company is required to pay him ten annual  installments  in the
amount of  $60,000.  Retirement  is  defined  in the plan as the age of 70, or a
later retirement age, as specified by the Board of Directors. The $60,000 annual
payments are to be adjusted for inflation in  accordance  with the United States
Consumer  Price  Index for each year  after  January  1,  2002.  If Mr.  Quist's
employment  is  terminated  by reason of  disability  or death before he reaches
retirement  age, the Company is to make the ten annual payments to Mr. Quist, in
the  event of  disability,  or to his  designated  beneficiary,  in the event of

     The plan also provides that the Board of Directors may, in its  discretion,
pay the amounts due under the plan in a single,  lump-sum payment.  In the event
that Mr. Quist dies before the ten annual  payments are made, the unpaid balance
will  continue  to be paid  to his  designated  beneficiary.  The  plan  further
requires the Company to furnish an automobile for Mr. Quist's use and to pay all
reasonable  expenses  incurred in connection with its use for a ten year period,
and to provide Mr. Quist with a hospitalization  policy with similar benefits to
those provided to him the day before his retirement or disability.  However,  in
the event Mr. Quist's  employment  with the Company is terminated for any reason
other than  retirement,  death,  or  disability,  the entire  amount of deferred
compensation payments under the plan shall be forfeited by him.


Employment Agreements

     On July 16, 2004,  the Company  entered into an employment  agreement  with
Scott M. Quist,  its President  and Chief  Operating  Officer.  The agreement is
effective as of December 4, 2003 and has a five-year  term,  but the Company has
agreed to renew  the  agreement  on  December  4,  2008 and 2013 for  additional
five-year terms, provided Mr. Quist performs his duties with usual and customary
care and diligence. Under the terms of the agreement, Mr. Quist is to devote his
full time to the Company serving as its President,  and Chief Operating  Officer
at not less than his current  salary and  benefits.  The Company  also agrees to
maintain a group term life insurance  policy of not less than  $1,000,000 on Mr.
Quist's life and a whole life insurance  policy in the amount of $500,000 on Mr.
Quist's life. In the event of disability,  Mr. Quist's salary would be continued
for up to five years at 75% of its current level.

     In the  event  of a sale or  merger  of the  Company  and Mr.  Quist is not
retained in his current position, the Company would be obligated to continue Mr.
Quist's current  compensation  and benefits for seven years following the merger
or sale.  The agreement  further  provides that Mr. Quist is entitled to receive
annual  retirement  benefits  beginning  (i)  one  month  from  the  date of his
retirement  (to  commence  no sooner  than age 65),  (ii) five  years  following
complete disability,  or (iii) upon termination of his employment without cause.
These  retirement  benefits  are to be paid for a period  of ten years in annual
installments   in  the  amount  equal  to  75%  of  his  then  current  rate  of
compensation.  However,  in the event that Mr. Quist dies prior to receiving all
retirement  benefits  thereunder,  the remaining  benefits are to be paid to his
heirs.  The  Company  accrued  $31,500  and  $328,000  in fiscal  2004 and 2003,
respectively,  to cover the present  value of  anticipated  retirement  benefits
under the employment agreement.

     On December 4, 2003, the Company,  through its subsidiary  SecurityNational
Mortgage Company,  entered into an employment  agreement with J. Lynn Beckstead,
Jr., Vice  President of Mortgage  Operations  and President of  SecurityNational
Mortgage Company. The agreement has a five-year term, but the Company has agreed
to renew the  agreement  on December 4, 2008 and 2013 for  additional  five-year
terms,  provided Mr. Beckstead performs his duties with usual and customary care
and diligence.  Under the terms of the agreement, Mr. Beckstead is to devote his
full time to the  Company  serving as  President  of  SecurityNational  Mortgage
Company  at not less  than his  current  salary  and  benefits,  and to  include
$350,000  of  life  insurance  protection.  In  the  event  of  disability,  Mr.
Beckstead's salary would be continued for up to five years at 50% of its current

     In the event of a sale or merger of the Company, and Mr. Beckstead were not
retained in his current position, the Company would be obligated to continue Mr.
Beckstead's  current  compensation  and  benefits for five years  following  the
merger or sale. The agreement further provides that Mr. Beckstead is entitled to
receive annual retirement  benefits beginning (i) one month from the date of his
retirement  (to  commence no sooner  than age 62 1/2) (ii) five years  following
complete disability,  or (iii) upon termination of his employment without cause.
These  retirement  benefits  are to be paid for a period  of ten years in annual
installments  in the amount equal to one-half of his then current annual salary.
However,  in the event that Mr. Beckstead dies prior to receiving all retirement
benefits  thereunder,  the remaining  benefits are to be paid to his heirs.  The
Company   accrued  in  2004  and  2003   approximately   $18,500  and  $172,000,
respectively,  to cover  the  present  value of the  retirement  benefit  of the

Director Compensation

     Directors of the Company (but not including  directors  who are  employees)
are paid a director's  fee of $13,200 per year by the Company for their services
and are reimbursed for their expenses in attending board and committee meetings.
No  additional  fees are paid by the  Company  for  committee  participation  or
special assignments.  However, each director is provided with an annual grant of
stock  options to purchase  1,000  shares of Class A Common Stock under the 2000
Director Stock Option Plan.

Employee 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan

     In 1995,  the  Company's  Board of  Directors  adopted a 401(k)  Retirement
Savings  Plan.  Under the terms of the 401(k)  plan,  effective as of January 1,
1995, the Company may make discretionary  employer matching contributions to its
employees who choose to  participate  in the plan.  The plan allows the board to
determine  the amount of the  contribution  at the end of each  year.  The Board
adopted a  contribution  formula  specifying  that such  discretionary  employer
matching   contributions  would  equal  50%  of  the  participating   employee's
contribution to the plan to purchase Company stock up to a maximum discretionary
employee  contribution of 1/2% of a participating  employee's  compensation,  as
defined by the plan.


     All persons who have completed at least one year's service with the Company
and satisfy other plan  requirements  are eligible to  participate in the 401(k)
plan. All Company matching  contributions  are invested in the Company's Class A
Common Stock. The Company's matching  contributions for 2004, 2003 and 2002 were
approximately  $5,746,  $4,493 and $7,975,  respectively.  Also, the Company may
contribute at the  discretion  of the  Company's  Board of Directors an Employer
Profit  Sharing  Contribution  to the 401(k) plan.  The Employer  Profit Sharing
Contribution  shall be divided among three different  classes of participants in
the  plan  based  upon  the  participant's  title in the  Company.  All  amounts
contributed  to the plan are  deposited  into a trust  fund  administered  by an
independent trustee. The Company's  contributions to the plan for 2004, 2003 and
2002, were $128,949, $110,081 and $142,218, respectively.

Employee Stock Ownership Plan

     Effective  January 1, 1980, the Company adopted an employee stock ownership
plan (the "Ownership  Plan") for the benefit of career  employees of the Company
and its subsidiaries.  The following is a description of the Ownership Plan, and
is qualified in its entirety by the Ownership Plan, a copy of which is available
for inspection at the Company's offices.

     Under the  Ownership  Plan,  the  Company has  discretionary  power to make
contributions on behalf of all eligible employees into a trust created under the
Ownership Plan.  Employees  become eligible to participate in the Ownership Plan
when they have attained the age of 19 and have  completed one year of service (a
twelve-month  period in which the  Employee  completes  at least  1,040 hours of
service). The Company's  contributions under the Ownership Plan are allocated to
eligible employees on the same ratio that each eligible employee's  compensation
bears to total  compensation  for all eligible  employees  during each year.  To
date, the Ownership Plan has  approximately  234  participants  and had $105,196
contributions  payable to the Plan in 2004.  Benefits  under the Ownership  Plan
vest as follows: 20% after the third year of eligible service by an employee, an
additional 20% in the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh years of eligible service
by an employee.

     Benefits  under the  Ownership  Plan will be paid out in one lump sum or in
installments in the event the employee becomes disabled,  reaches the age of 65,
or is  terminated  by the  Company  and  demonstrates  financial  hardship.  The
Ownership Plan  Committee,  however,  retains  discretion to determine the final
method of payment. Finally, the Company reserves the right to amend or terminate
the  Ownership  Plan at any  time.  The  trustees  of the trust  fund  under the
Ownership  Plan are George R. Quist,  Scott M. Quist and Robert G.  Hunter,  who
each serve as a director of the Company.

Deferred Compensation Plan

     In 2001, the Company's Board of Directors  adopted a Deferred  Compensation
Plan.  Under the terms of the  Deferred  Compensation  Plan,  the  Company  will
provide  deferred  compensation  for a select  group  of  management  or  highly
compensated  employees,  within the meaning of Sections  201(2),  301(a)(3)  and
401(a)(1) of the Employee  Retirement  Income  Security Act of 1974, as amended.
The board has appointed a committee of the Company to be the plan  administrator
and to determine the employees who are eligible to  participate in the plan. The
employees  who  participate  may elect to defer a portion of their  compensation
into the plan. The Company may contribute into the plan at the discretion of the
Company's Board of Directors. The Company's contribution for 2004, 2003 and 2002
was $123,249, $95,485 and $100,577, respectively.

1993 Stock Option Plan

     On June 21,  1993,  the Company  adopted the  Security  National  Financial
Corporation  1993 Stock Incentive Plan (the "1993 Plan"),  which reserves shares
of Class A common stock for issuance  thereunder.  The 1993 Plan was approved at
the annual  meeting of the  stockholders  held on June 21,  1993.  The 1993 Plan
allows the  Company to grant  options and issue  shares as a means of  providing
equity  incentives to key personnel,  giving them a proprietary  interest in the
Company and its success and progress.


     The 1993 Plan  provides  for the grant of options  and the award or sale of
stock to officers,  directors,  and  employees of the Company.  Both  "incentive
stock  options," as defined under  Section 422A of the Internal  Revenue Code of
1986 (the "Code"),  and  "non-qualified  options" may be granted pursuant to the
1993 Plan. The exercise  prices for the options  granted are equal to or greater
than the fair market  value of the stock  subject to such options as of the date
of grant, as determined by the Company's Board of Directors. The options granted
under the 1993 Plan, were to reward certain  officers and key employees who have
been  employed  by the  Company  for a number of years  and to help the  Company
retain  these  officers  by  providing  them  with an  additional  incentive  to
contribute to the success of the Company.

     The 1993  Plan is to be  administered  by the  Board of  Directors  or by a
committee  designated by the Board. The terms of options granted or stock awards
or sales  effected  under  the 1993  Plan are to be  determined  by the Board of
Directors or its committee. The Plan provides that if the shares of common stock
shall be subdivided or combined into a greater or smaller number of shares or if
the Company  shall issue any shares of common  stock as a stock  dividend on its
outstanding  common stock, the number of shares of common stock deliverable upon
the exercise of options  shall be increased  or decreased  proportionately,  and
appropriate adjustments shall be made in the purchase price per share to reflect
such  subdivision,  combination or stock  dividend.  In addition,  the number of
shares of common  stock  reserved  for purposes of the Plan shall be adjusted by
the same  proportion.  No options may be  exercised  for a term of more than ten
years from the date of grant.

     Options  intended  as  incentive  stock  options  may  be  issued  only  to
employees,  and must meet certain  conditions  imposed by the code,  including a
requirement that the option exercise price be no less than the fair market value
of the  option  shares on the date of grant.  The 1993  Plan  provides  that the
exercise price for  non-qualified  options will be not less than at least 50% of
the fair  market  value of the stock  subject  to such  option as of the date of
grant of such options, as determined by the Company's Board of Directors.

     The 1993 Plan has a term of ten years.  The Board of Directors may amend or
terminate   the  1993  Plan  at  any  time,   subject  to  approval  of  certain
modifications  to the 1993 Plan by the  shareholders  of the  Company  as may be
required by law or the 1993 Plan. On November 7, 1996,  the Company  amended the
1993 Plan as  follows:  (i) to  increase  the number of shares of Class A common
stock  reserved for issuance  under the 1993 Plan from 300,000 Class A shares to
600,000  Class A shares;  and (ii) to provide that the stock subject to options,
awards and purchases may include Class C common stock.  On October 14, 1999, the
Company amended the 1993 Plan to increase the number of shares of Class A common
stock  reserved  for  issuance  under  the plan from  746,126  Class A shares to
1,046,126  Class A  shares.  The Plan  terminated  in 2003 and  options  granted
thereunder are non-transferable.

2000 Director Stock Option Plan

     On October 16, 2000, the Company  adopted the 2000  Directors  Stock Option
Plan (the  "Director  Plan")  effective  November  1, 2000.  The  Director  Plan
provides  for the grant by the Company of options to purchase up to an aggregate
of 50,000 shares of Class A common stock for issuance  thereunder.  The Director
Plan provides that each member of the Company's Board of Directors who is not an
employee or paid consultant of the Company  automatically is eligible to receive
options to purchase the Company's Class A common stock under the Director Plan.

     Effective  as of November 1, 2000,  and on each  anniversary  date  thereof
during the term of the Director Plan, each outside director shall  automatically
receive an option to purchase 1,000 shares of Class A common stock. In addition,
each new outside  director  who shall  first join the Board after the  effective
date shall be granted an option to  purchase  1,000  shares  upon the date which
such person first  becomes an outside  director and an annual grant of an option
to purchase 1,000 shares on each anniversary date thereof during the term of the
Director  Plan.  The options  granted to outside  directors  shall vest in their
entirety on the first anniversary date of the grant. The primary purposes of the
Director  Plan are to  enhance  the  Company's  ability  to  attract  and retain
well-qualified  persons for service as directors  and to provide  incentives  to
such directors to continue their association with the Company.


     In the event of a merger of the Company with or into another company,  or a
consolidation,  acquisition  of  stock or  assets  or other  change  in  control
transaction  involving the Company,  each option  becomes  exercisable  in full,
unless such  option is assumed by the  successor  corporation.  In the event the
transaction  is not  approved by a majority of the  "Continuing  Directors"  (as
defined in the Director Plan),  each option becomes fully vested and exercisable
in full immediately  prior to the consummation of such  transaction,  whether or
not assumed by the successor corporation.

2003 Stock Option Plan

     On July 11,  2003,  the Company  adopted the  Security  National  Financial
Corporation 2003 Stock Incentive Plan (the "2003 Plan"),  which reserved 500,000
shares of Class A common stock and 1,000,000  shares of Class C common stock for
issuance thereunder. The 2003 Plan was approved by the Board of Directors on May
9, 2003, and by the stockholders at the annual meeting of the stockholders  held
on July 11,  2003.  The 2003 Plan allows the Company to grant  options and issue
shares as a means of providing equity incentives to key personnel, giving them a
proprietary interest in the Company and its success and progress.

     The 2003 Plan  provides  for the grant of options  and the award or sale of
stock to officers,  directors,  and  employees of the Company.  Both  "incentive
stock  options",  as defined under Section 422A of the Internal  Revenue Code of
1986 (the  "Code") and  "non-qualified  options"  may be granted  under the 2003
Plan. The exercise  prices for the options  granted are equal to or greater than
the fair  market  value of the stock  subject to such  options as of the date of
grant,  as determined by the Company's  Board of Directors.  The options granted
under the 2003 Plan are to reward  certain  officers and key  employees who have
been  employed  by the  Company  for a number of years  and to help the  Company
retain  these  officers  by  providing  them  with an  additional  incentive  to
contribute to the success of the Company.

     The 2003  Plan is to be  administered  by the  Board of  Directors  or by a
committee  designated by the board. The terms of options granted or stock awards
or sales  affected  under  the 2003  Plan are to be  determined  by the Board of
Directors or its committee. The Plan provides that if the shares of common stock
shall be subdivided or combined into a greater or smaller number of shares or if
the Company  shall issue any shares of common  Stock as a stock  dividend on its
outstanding  common stock, the number of shares of common stock deliverable upon
the exercise of options  shall be increased  or decreased  proportionately,  and
appropriate  adjustments  shall be made in the  purchase  price to reflect  such
subdivision, combination or stock dividend. In addition, the number of shares of
common  stock  reserved  for  purposes of the Plan shall be adjusted by the same
proportion.  No options may be exercised  for a term of more than ten years from
the date of grant.

     Options  intended  as  incentive  stock  options  may  be  issued  only  to
employees,  and must meet certain  conditions  imposed by the code,  including a
requirement  that the  option  exercise  price be no less than then fair  market
value of the option shares on the date of grant. The 2003 Plan provides that the
exercise price for  non-qualified  options will not be less than at least 50% of
the fair  market  value of the stock  subject  to such  option as of the date of
grant of such options, as determined by the Company's Board of Directors.

     The 2003 Plan has a term of ten years.  The Board of Directors may amend or
terminate   the  2003  Plan  at  any  time,   subject  to  approval  of  certain
modifications  to the 2003 Plan by the  shareholders  of the  Company  as may be
required by law or the 2003 Plan.

Compliance with Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the Company's
executive officers,  directors and persons who own more than 10% of any class of
the Company's  common stock to file reports of ownership and periodic changes in
ownership  of the  Company's  common  stock  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission. Such persons are also required to furnish the Company with copies of
all Section 16(a) reports they file.


     Based  solely on its review of the copies of stock  reports  received by it
with respect to fiscal 2004, or written  representations  from certain reporting
persons,  the Company  believes that all filing  requirements  applicable to its
directors,  officers and greater than 10% beneficial  owners were compiled with,
except  that  George R.  Quist,  Chairman  and Chief  Executive  Officer  of the
Company,  through  an  oversight,  filed  one late Form 4 report  reporting  the
purchase of shares of Class A common stock in one transaction.

Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

     On December 19, 2001,  the Company  entered into an option  agreement  with
Monument Title,  LLC, a Utah limited liability company in which the Company made
available a $100,000 line of credit to Monument  Title at an interest rate of 8%
per annum.  The line of credit is secured by the assets of Monument Title.  From
December 28, 2001 to June 14, 2002, the Company advanced  Monument Title a total
of $77,953  under the line of  credit.  The  amount  advanced  under the line of
credit plus  accrued  interest  are payable  upon  demand.  Ron Motzkus and Troy
Lashley,  who own  90% and 10% of the  outstanding  shares  of  Monument  Title,
respectively,  are  brother-in-laws  of  Scott M.  Quist,  President  and  Chief
Operating  Officer of the  Company.  The  Company has the right under the option
agreement  for a period of five years from the date  thereof to acquire  100% of
the outstanding  common shares of Monument Title for the sum of $10. The purpose
of the transaction,  which was approved by the Company's Board of Directors,  is
to  insure  that the title and  escrow  work  performed  for  Security  National
Mortgage  Company  in  connection  with its  mortgage  loans  are  completed  as
accurately  as possible by Monument  Title to avoid any  economic  losses to the

     On  November  1, 2004,  the  Company  entered  into an  Agreement  to Repay
Indebtedness and to Convey Option with Monument Title and Mr. Motzkus. Under the
terms of the  agreement,  Monument  Title  agreed to pay the  Company a total of
$94,177, representing the total of $77,953 that the Company advanced to Monument
Title under the line of credit,  plus interest  thereon,  within seven days from
the date of the  agreement.  Monument  Title  paid the  $94,177  to the  Company
pursuant  to the  agreement.  In  addition,  the  Company  agreed to release its
interest  in the option  agreement  to acquire  100% of the  outstanding  common
shares of Monument  Title,  in  consideration  for the payment of an  additional
$94,177.  Monument  Title is to pay the  additional  $94,177  to the  Company in
minimum  payments of $500 per month for the first twelve  months  following  the
date of the  agreement,  with  additional  payments  of $1,000 per month for the
second twelve months  following the date of the agreement.  After the 24th month
following the date of the agreement, the outstanding balance is to bear interest
at the three-year  treasury rate plus one percent.  The minimum  payment for the
third year is $1,500 per  month,  the  minimum  payment  for the fourth  year is
$2,000 per month and the minimum payment for the fifth year is $2,500 per month.
Any remaining unpaid balance,  including  interest,  shall be due and payable at
the conclusion of the 60th month from the date of the agreement.

     On December 26, 2003,  Security  National  Life entered into a  coinsurance
agreement  and a modified  coinsurance  agreement  with  Southern  Security Life
Insurance  Company,  effective  September  30,  2003.  Under  the terms of these
agreements, Southern Security Life Insurance Company ceded 50% of certain blocks
of its universal life business to Security  National Life. The total liabilities
reinsured  for this  business  on  October  1, 2003 were  $22,195,259.  Southern
Security  Life  Insurance  Company  received a ceding  commission  from Security
National Life of $3,200,000 and will pay a risk charge to Security National Life
of 1% of the outstanding  coinsurance per calendar  quarter.  Southern  Security
Life Insurance  Company placed investment grade bonds in a bank trust, the value
of which equal the  outstanding  liabilities  ceded to Security  National  Life.
Security  National Life is named as a beneficiary of the trust, and the terms of
the trust are such that Southern  Security Life Insurance  Company will maintain
investment grade bonds in the trust to equal the outstanding  liabilities  ceded
to Security National Life.

     Under the coinsurance agreement and the modified coinsurance agreement, the
coinsurance  and the decrease in reserves are equal in amount.  Under U. S. GAAP
the  coinsurance  and the reserve  decreases are netted since these are non-cash
items,  and Southern  Security Life Insurance  Company  expects to recapture the
coinsurance  from future profits of the reinsured  business.  Southern  Security
Life Insurance Company has the right to recapture the business at any time after


September 30, 2004,  upon 90 days advance  notice.  As of December 31, 2004, the
outstanding coinsurance amount was $2,426,107.  Southern Security Life Insurance
Company  recorded  as an  expense  the risk  charge of  $112,315  for 2004.  The
coinsurance  agreements  have  remained in effect  following  completion  of the
merger of SSLIC Holding Company into Southern  Security Life Insurance  Company.
As a result,  the  coinsurance  agreements have not been impacted or affected by
the completion of such merger.

     On December 28, 2004,  Security  National  Life entered into a  coinsurance
agreement  and a modified  coinsurance  agreement  with  Southern  Security Life
Insurance  Company,  effective  October  1,  2004.  Under  the  terms  of  these
agreements, Southern Security Life Insurance Company ceded 25% of certain blocks
of its universal life business to Security  National Life. The total liabilities
reinsured  for this  business  on  October  1, 2004 were  $11,010,599.  Southern
Security  Life  Insurance  Company  received a ceding  commission  from Security
National Life of $1,200,000 and will pay a risk charge to Security National Life
of 1% of the outstanding  coinsurance per calendar  quarter.  Southern  Security
Life Insurance  Company placed investment grade bonds in a bank trust, the value
of which equal the  outstanding  liabilities  ceded to Security  National  Life.
Security  National Life is named as a beneficiary of the trust, and the terms of
the trust are such that Southern  Security Life Insurance  Company will maintain
investment grade bonds in the trust to equal the outstanding  liabilities  ceded
to Security National Life.

     Under the coinsurance agreement and the modified coinsurance agreement, the
coinsurance  and the decrease in reserves are equal in amount.  Under U. S. GAAP
the  coinsurance  and the reserve  decreases are netted since these are non-cash
items,  and Southern  Security Life Insurance  Company  expects to recapture the
coinsurance  from future profits of the reinsured  business.  Southern  Security
Life Insurance Company has the right to recapture the business at any time after
September 30, 2005,  upon 120 days advance  notice.  As of December 31, 2004 the
outstanding coinsurance amount was $1,157,886.  Southern Security Life Insurance
Company  recorded  as an  expense  the risk  charge of  $12,000  for  2004.  The
coinsurance  agreements  have  remained in effect  following  completion  of the
merger of SSLIC Holding Company into Southern  Security Life Insurance  Company.
As a result,  the  coinsurance  agreements have not been impacted or affected by
the completion of such merger.

     The Company's  Board of Directors has a written  procedure,  which requires
disclosure to the Board of any material  interest or any affiliation on the part
of any of its officers, directors or employees which is in conflict or may be in
conflict with the interests of the Company.



     The  following  table  sets forth  security  ownership  information  of the
Company's Class A and Class C common stock as of March 31, 2005, (i) for persons
who own beneficially more than 5% of the Company's  outstanding Class A or Class
C common stock,  (ii) each director of the Company,  and (iii) for all executive
officers and directors of the Company as a group.


                                                                                                     Class A and
                                            Class A                          Class C                   Class C
                                         Common Stock                     Common Stock              Common Stock
                                         ------------                     ------------              ------------
                                   Amount                           Amount                           Amount
                                Beneficially       Percent       Beneficially        Percent      Beneficially    Percent
Name and Address (1)                Owned         of Class           Owned          of Class          Owned      of Class
-----------------                  -------        --------           -----          --------          -----      --------
<S>                               <C>              <C>            <C>                 <C>        <C>               <C>
George R. and Shirley C. Quist
  Family Partnership, Ltd. (2)     426,375          7.0%          3,358,687            52.6%     3,785,062          28.1%
Employee Stock
  Ownership Plan (3)               577,183          9.5%          1,553,041            24.3%     2,130,224          15.8%
George R. Quist (4)(5)(7)(8)       449,945          7.4%            470,581             7.4%       920,526           6.8%
Scott M. Quist (4)(7)(9)           347,885          5.7%          1,307,079            20.5%     1,654,964          12.3%
Associated Investors (10)           92,798          1.5%            655,610            10.3%       748,408           5.5%
G. Robert Quist (6)(11)            112,300          1.9%            244,052             3.8%       356,352           2.6%
J. Lynn Beckstead, Jr., (6)(12)    104,193          1.7%            --                  *          104,193            *
Stephen M. Sill (6)(13)             58,087          1.0%            --                  *           58,087            *
Christie Q. Overbaugh (14)          56,979          *               105,501             1.7%       162,480           1.2%
Robert G. Hunter, M.D., (4)(15)      7,296          *               --                  *            7,296            *
Norman G. Wilbur (16)                5,962          *               --                  *            5,962            *
Charles L. Crittenden (17)           5,921          *               --                  *            5,921            *
H. Craig Moody (18)                  5,678          *               --                  *            5,678            *
All directors and executive officers
  (10 persons) (4)(5)(6)(7)      1,580,621         26.1%          5,485,500            86.0%     7,066,521          52.4%

*   Less than 1%


     (1)  Unless otherwise indicated,  the address of each listed stockholder is
          c/o  Security  National  Financial  Corporation,  5300 South 360 West,
          Suite 250, Salt Lake City, Utah 84123.

     (2)  This  stock is owned by the  George R. and  Shirley  C.  Quist  Family
          Partnership, Ltd., of which George R. Quist is the general partner.

     (3)  The trustees of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) are George R.
          Quist, Scott M. Quist, and Robert G. Hunter who exercise shared voting
          and investment powers.

     (4)  Does not include  577,183 shares of Class A common stock and 1,553,041
          shares of Class C common stock owned by the Company's  Employee  Stock
          Ownership  Plan (ESOP),  of which  George R Quist,  Scott M. Quist and
          Robert G. Hunter are the trustees  and  accordingly,  exercise  shared
          voting and investment powers with respect to such shares.

     (5)  Does not  include  92,798  shares of Class A common  stock and 655,611
          shares of Class C common stock owned by Associated  Investors,  a Utah
          general partnership,  of which George R. Quist is the managing partner
          and,  accordingly,  exercises sole voting and  investment  powers with
          respect to such shares.


     (6)  Does not include  252,757  shares of Class A common stock owned by the
          Company's 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan, of which G. Robert Quist, J.
          Lynn  Beckstead,  and  Stephen M. Sill are  members of the  Investment
          Committee  and,  accordingly,  exercise  shared voting and  investment
          powers with respect to such shares.

     (7)  Does not include  140,573  shares of Class A common stock owned by the
          Company's  Deferred  Compensation  Plan,  of which George R. Quist and
          Scott  M.  Quist  are  members  of  the   Investment   Committee  and,
          accordingly, exercise shared voting and investment powers with respect
          to such shares.

     (8)  Includes  options to purchase  153,620  shares of Class A common stock
          granted  to George R.  Quist that are  currently  exercisable  or will
          become exercisable within 60 days of March 31, 2005.

     (9)  Includes options to purchase 77,175 shares of Class A common stock and
          1,050,000  shares of Class C common  stock  granted  to Scott M. Quist
          that are currently  exercisable or will become  exercisable  within 60
          days of March 31, 2005.

     (10) The managing  partner of Associated  Investors is George R. Quist, who
          exercises sole voting and investment powers.

     (11) Includes  options to purchase  49,088  shares of Class A common  stock
          granted to G.  Robert  Quist that are  currently  exercisable  or will
          become exercisable within 60 days of March 31, 2005.

     (12) Includes  options to purchase  21,788  shares of Class A common  stock
          granted to Mr. Beckstead that are currently exercisable or will become
          exercisable within 60 days of March 31, 2005.

     (13) Includes  options to  purchase  5,250  shares of Class A common  stock
          granted to Mr.  Sill that are  currently  exercisable  or will  become
          exercisable within 60 days of March 31, 2005.

     (14) Includes  options to  purchase  7,875  shares of Class A common  stock
          granted to Ms. Overbaugh that are currently exercisable or will become
          exercisable within 60 days of March 31, 2005.

     (15) Includes  options to  purchase  4,753  shares of Class A common  stock
          granted to Mr.  Hunter that are currently  exercisable  or will become
          exercisable within 60 days of March 31, 2005.

     (16) Includes  options to  purchase  4,753  shares of Class A common  stock
          granted to Mr.  Wilbur that are currently  exercisable  or will become
          exercisable within 60 days of March 31, 2005.

     (17) Includes  options to  purchase  1,103  shares of Class A common  stock
          granted  to Mr.  Crittenden  that are  currently  exercisable  or will
          become exercisable within 60 days of March 31, 2005.

     The  Company's  officers  and  directors,  as  a  group,  own  beneficially
approximately 52.4% of the outstanding shares of the Company's Class A and Class
C common stock.



     Under rules  established  by the Securities  and Exchange  Commission  (the
"Commission"),  the Company is required to provide  certain data and information
in regard to the compensation and benefits provided to the Company's Chairman of
the Board of  Directors  and Chief  Executive  Officer  and the five  other most
highly compensated executive officers.  In fulfillment of this requirement,  the
Compensation Committee, at the direction of the Board of Directors, has prepared
the following report for inclusion in this Proxy Statement.

     Executive Compensation Philosophy.  The Compensation Committee of the Board
of Directors is composed of four directors, all of whom are independent, outside
directors.   The   Compensation   Committee  is  responsible   for  setting  and
administering the policies and programs that govern both annual compensation and
stock  ownership  programs  for  the  executive  officers  of the  Company.  The
Company's  executive  compensation  policy is based on  principles  designed  to
ensure  that  an  appropriate  relationship  exists  between  executive  pay and
corporate performance, while at the same time motivating and retaining executive

     Executive  Compensation  Components.  The key  components  of the Company's
compensation  program are base salary,  an annual  incentive  award,  and equity
participation.  These  components  are  administered  with the goal of providing
total  compensation that is competitive in the marketplace,  rewards  successful
financial  performance and aligns  executive  officers'  interests with those of
stockholders.  The  Compensation  Committee  reviews each component of executive
compensation on an annual basis.

     Base  Salary.  Base  salaries  for  executive  officers  are set at  levels
believed by the  Compensation  Committee to be  sufficient to attract and retain
qualified  executive  officers.  Base pay  increases  are  provided to executive
officers based on an evaluation of each executive's performance,  as well as the
performance  of the  Company as a whole.  In  establishing  base  salaries,  the
Compensation  Committee  not only  considers the  financial  performance  of the
Company,  but also the  success of the  executive  officers  in  developing  and
executing the Company's  strategic plans,  developing  management  employees and
exercising  leadership.  The  Compensation  Committee  believes  that  executive
officer base  salaries for 2004 were  reasonable  as compared to amounts paid by
companies of similar size.

     Annual Incentive.  The Compensation  Committee  believes that a significant
proportion of total cash  compensation for executive  officers should be subject
to attainment of specific Company financial performance. This approach creates a
direct incentive for executive officers to achieve desired performance goals and
places a significant  percentage of each  executive  officer's  compensation  at
risk.  Consequently,  each year the Compensation Committee establishes potential
bonuses for executive  officers  based on the Company's  achievement  of certain
financial  performance.  The  Compensation  Committee  believes  that  executive
officer annual  bonuses for 2004 were  reasonable as compared to amounts paid by
companies of similar size.

     Stock   Options.   The   Compensation   Committee   believes   that  equity
participation is a key component of its executive  compensation  program.  Stock
options are  granted to  executive  officers  primarily  based on the  officer's
actual and potential  contribution to the Company's growth and profitability and
competitive  marketplace  practices.   Option  grants  are  designed  to  retain
executive  officers and motivate them to enhance  stockholder  value by aligning
the financial interests of executive officers with those of stockholders.  Stock
options also provide an effective incentive for management to create stockholder
value over the long term  since the full  benefit  of the  compensation  package
cannot be realized  unless an appreciation in the price of the Company's Class A
common stock occurs over a number of years.


     Compensation  of Chief  Executive  Officer.  Consistent  with the executive
compensation policy and components  described above, the Compensation  Committee
determined the salary,  bonus and stock options received by George R. Quist, the
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive  Officer of the Company,  for services
rendered in 2004. Mr. Quist received a base salary of $165,600 for 2004. He also
received an annual bonus of $50,000 and stock options to purchase 100,000 shares
of the Company's Class A common stock, of which 50,000 shares are exercisable at
$3.96 per share and 50,000 shares are exercisable at $3.55 per share.  Under the
Compensation  Committee's  rules, the Chief Executive Officer may not be present
during voting or deliberations related to his compensation.

                             COMPENSATION COMMITTEE

                             Charles L. Crittenden, Chairman
                             Robert G. Hunter, M.D.
                             H. Craig Moody
                             Norman G. Wilbur

                          REPORT OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE

     The  Company  has an Audit  Committee  consisting  of three  non-management
directors,  Charles L. Crittenden,  H. Craig Moody,  and Norman G. Wilbur.  Each
member of the  Audit  Committee  is  considered  independent  and  qualified  in
accordance with  applicable  independent  director and audit  committee  listing
standards.  The Company's  Board of Directors has adopted a written  charter for
the Audit Committee.

     During  the year  2004,  the  Audit  Committee  met four  times.  The Audit
Committee has met with management and discussed the Company's internal controls,
the quality of the Company's  financial  reporting,  the results of internal and
external audit examinations,  and the audited financial statements. In addition,
the Audit Committee met with the Company's former independent  auditors,  Tanner
LC, and discussed all matters  required to be discussed by the auditors with the
Audit Committee under Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61 (communication with
audit committees).  The Audit Committee reviewed and discussed with the auditors
their  annual  written  report on their  independence  from the  Company and its
management,  which is made under  Independence  Standards  Board  Standard No. 1
(independence  discussions  with  audit  committees),  and  considered  with the
auditors  whether the  provision of  financial  information  systems  design and
implementation  and other  non-audit  services  provided  by them to the Company
during 2004 was compatible with the auditors' independence.

     In  performing  these  functions,  the  Audit  Committee  acts  only  in an
oversight  capacity.  In its oversight role, the Audit  Committee  relies on the
work and assurances of the Company's  management,  which is responsible  for the
integrity of the Company's  internal  controls and its financial  statements and
reports,  and  the  Company's  independent  auditors,  who are  responsible  for
performing  an  independent  audit  of the  Company's  financial  statements  in
accordance with generally  accepted auditing  standards and for issuing a report
on these financial statements.

     Pursuant  to  the  reviews  and  discussions  described  above,  the  Audit
Committee  recommended  to the Board of  Directors  that the  audited  financial
statements  be  included  in the  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2004, for filing with the Securities and Exchange

                                      AUDIT COMMITTEE

                                      Norman G. Wilbur, Chairman
                                      Charles L. Crittenden
                                      H. Craig Moody


                         COMPANY STOCK PRICE PERFORMANCE

     This graph below compares the cumulative  total  stockholder  return of the
Company's Class A common stock with the cumulative  total return on the Standard
& Poor's  500 Stock  Index and the  Standard  & Poor's  Insurance  Index for the
period from December 31, 1999 through  December 31, 2004. The graph assumes that
the value of the investment in the Company's Class A common stock and in each of
the  indexes  was  100 at  December  31,  1999,  and  that  all  dividends  were

     The comparisons in the graph below are based on historical data and are not
intended to forecast the possible  future  performance of the Company's  Class A
common stock.

                        December 31,      December 31,       December 31,       December 31,    December 31,   December 31,
                            1999             2000             2001               2002            2003            2004
                            ----             ----             ----               ----            ----            ----
<S>                          <C>              <C>              <C>               <C>               <C>           <C>
Security National
   Financial Corporation     100               70               81                216               262           117
S&P 500                      100               90               78                 60                76            82
S&P Insurance Index          100              133              116                 91               108           115


     The  graph set forth  above is  required  by the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  and  shall  not be deemed to be  incorporated  by  reference  by any
general  statement  incorporating  by reference  this proxy  statement  into any
filing under the  Securities  Act of 1933, as amended,  or under the  Securities
Exchange  Act of 1934,  as  amended,  except  to the  extent  that  the  Company
specifically incorporates this information by reference, and shall not otherwise
be deemed soliciting material or filed under such acts.


                                   PROPOSAL 2

     The independent public accounting firm of Hansen,  Barnett & Maxwell,  P.C.
has been the Company's  registered public independent  accountants since May 20,
2005.  The  Audit  Committee  has  recommended  and the Board of  Directors  has
appointed  Hansen,  Barnett & Maxwell for purposes of auditing the  consolidated
financial  statements  of the Company for the fiscal  year ending  December  31,
2005. It is anticipated that  representatives of Hansen,  Barnett & Maxwell will
be present at the Annual  Meeting and will be provided an  opportunity to make a
statement  if  they  desire,  and to be  available  to  respond  to  appropriate

     The Board of Directors recommends that stockholders vote "FOR" ratification
of the  appointment  of  Hansen,  Barnett  &  Maxwell,  P.C.  as  the  Company's
registered  public  independent  accountants for fiscal year ending December 31,


     Fees for the year 2004 for the annual audit of the financial statements and
employee  benefit  plans and  related  quarterly  reviews  by Tanner  L.C.,  the
Company's former registered public independent  accountants,  were approximately
$262,000. There were $19,000 in other fees during 2004.


                                  OTHER MATTERS

     The  Company  knows of no other  matters  to be  brought  before the Annual
Meeting,  but if other  matters  properly  come  before the  meeting,  it is the
intention of the persons  named in the enclosed form of Proxy to vote the shares
they represent in accordance with their judgment.


     Stockholders  are  referred  to  the  Company's  annual  report,  including
financial  statements,  for the fiscal year ended  December 31, 2004. The annual
report is  incorporated in this Proxy Statement and is not to be considered part
of the  soliciting  material.  The Company will provide,  without charge to each
stockholder  upon written  request,  a copy of the Company's  Annual Report Form
10-K as filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission for the fiscal year
ended  December 31, 2004.  Such requests  should be directed to G. Robert Quist,
First Vice  President and  Secretary,  at P.O. Box 57250,  Salt Lake City,  Utah

                   FOR ANNUAL MEETING TO BE HELD IN JULY 2006

     Any proposal by a stockholder  to be presented at the Company's next Annual
Meeting of Stockholders expected to be held in July 2006 must be received at the
offices of the Company,  P.O. Box 57250,  Salt Lake City,  Utah  84157-0250,  no
later than March 31, 2006.

                                   By order of the Board of Directors,

                                   G. Robert Quist
                                   First Vice President and Secretary
June 7, 2005
Salt Lake City, Utah


                              CLASS C COMMON STOCK

     The undersigned Class C common  stockholder of Security National  Financial
Corporation (the "Company") acknowledges receipt of the Notice of Annual Meeting
of the Stockholders to be held on Friday,  July 8, 2005, at 5300 South 360 West,
Suite 250,  Salt Lake City,  Utah, at 10:00 a.m.  Mountain  Daylight  Time,  and
hereby appoints Messrs.  George R. Quist, Scott M. Quist and G. Robert Quist, or
any of them, each with full power of  substitution,  as attorneys and proxies to
vote all the shares of the  undersigned at said Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders
and at all adjournments or postponements thereof,  hereby ratify and confirm all
that said attorneys and proxies may do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. The
above-named   attorneys   and  proxies  are   instructed  to  vote  all  of  the
undersigned's shares as follows:

1.   To elect five of the seven  directors to be voted upon by Class A and Class
     C common stockholders together:

     [ ] FOR all nominees listed below (except as marked to the contrary below)
     [ ] WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for all nominees listed below.


(INSTRUCTION: to withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, strike a
line through that nominee's name in the list below.)

             Charles L. Crittenden, Robert G. Hunter, M.D., Scott M. Quist
                      George R. Quist and Norman G. Wilbur

2.   To ratify  the  appointment  of  Hansen,  Barnett &  Maxwell,  P.C.  as the
     Company's  registered  public  independent  accountants for the fiscal year
     ending December 31, 2005;

                   [  ]  FOR                  [  ]  AGAINST

3.   To transact such other  business as may properly come before the meeting or
     any adjournment thereof.


Dated                                                       , 2005

Signature of Stockholder

Signature of Stockholder

     Please sign your name exactly as it appears on your share  certificate.  If
shares are held jointly, each holder should sign. Executors, trustees, and other
fiduciaries should so indicate when signing.  Please sign, date, and return this
Proxy Card immediately.

NOTE:  Securities  dealers or other  representatives  please state the number of
shares voted by this Proxy.


                              CLASS A COMMON STOCK

     The undersigned Class A common  stockholder of Security National  Financial
Corporation (the "Company") acknowledges receipt of the Notice of Annual Meeting
of the Stockholders to be held on Friday,  July 8, 2005, at 5300 South 360 West,
Suite 250, Salt Lake City,  Utah, at 10:00 a.m.,  Mountain  Daylight  Time,  and
hereby appoints Messrs.  George R. Quist, Scott M. Quist and G. Robert Quist, or
any of them, each with full power of  substitution,  as attorneys and proxies to
vote all the shares of the  undersigned at said Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders
and at all adjournments or postponements  thereof,  hereby ratify and confirming
all that said attorneys and proxies may do or cause to be done by virtue hereof.
The  above-named  attorneys  and  proxies  are  instructed  to  vote  all of the
undersigned's shares as follows:

1.   To elect  two  directors  to be voted  upon by Class A common  stockholders
     voting separately as a class:

     [ ] FOR all nominees listed below (except as marked to the contrary below)
     [ ] WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for all nominees listed below

(INSTRUCTION: to withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, strike a
line through that nominee's name in the list below.)

             J. Lynn Beckstead,  Jr. and H. Craig Moody

2.   To elect the remaining five directors to be voted upon by Class A and Class
     C common stockholders together:

     [ ] FOR all nominees listed below (except as marked to the contrary below)
     [ ] WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for all nominees listed below

(INSTRUCTION: to withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, strike a
line through that nominee's name in the list below.)

            Charles L. Crittenden, Robert G. Hunter, M.D., George R. Quist
                      Scott M. Quist, and Norman G. Wilbur

3.   To ratify  the  appointment  of  Hansen,  Barnett &  Maxwell,  P.C.  as the
     Company's  registered  public  independent  accountants for the fiscal year
     ending December 31, 2005;

                     [  ]  FOR                 [  ]  AGAINST

4.   To transact such other  business as may properly come before the meeting or
     any adjournment thereof.


Dated                                                                 , 2005

Signature of Stockholder

Signature of Stockholder

     Please sign your name exactly as it appears on your share  certificate.  If
shares are held jointly, each holder should sign. Executors, trustees, and other
fiduciaries should so indicate when signing.  Please sign, date, and return this
Proxy Card immediately.

NOTE:  Securities  dealers or other  representatives  please state the number of
shares voted by this Proxy.