American Financial Group, Inc. DEF 14A
Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
Filed by the Registrant þ
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o
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o |
Preliminary Proxy Statement |
o |
Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
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Definitive Proxy Statement |
o |
Definitive Additional Materials |
o |
Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12 |
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
þ |
No fee required. |
o |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11. |
(1) |
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
(2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act
Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was
determined): |
(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
(5) |
Total fee paid: |
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2)
and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the
previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its
filing. |
(1) |
Amount Previously Paid: |
(2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
(3) |
Filing Party: |
(4) |
Date Filed: |
One East Fourth Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders
and Proxy Statement
To be Held on May 17, 2007
Dear Shareholder:
We invite you to attend our Annual Meeting of Shareholders on Thursday, May 17, 2007, in
Cincinnati, Ohio. In connection with the meeting, we will report on our operations and you will
have an opportunity to meet your Company’s directors and senior executives.
This booklet includes the formal notice of the meeting and the proxy statement. The proxy
statement tells you more about the agenda and procedures for the meeting. It also describes how
your Board of Directors operates and provides information about the director candidates.
All shareholders are important to us. We want your shares to be represented at the meeting
and urge you to vote using our internet or telephone voting systems or by promptly returning a
properly completed proxy card.
James C. Kennedy
Vice President,
Deputy General Counsel & Secretary
Cincinnati, Ohio
April 10, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007 |
11:30 a.m. Eastern Time |
The Cincinnatian Hotel |
Second Floor — Filson Room |
601 Vine Street |
Cincinnati, Ohio |
1. Elect nine Directors |
2. Ratify Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm |
3. Approve the 2007 Annual Senior Executive Bonus Plan |
4. Conduct other business if properly raised |
Record Date:
March 30, 2007 — Shareholders registered in the records of
the Company or its agents on that date are entitled to
receive notice of and to vote at the meeting. |
Mailing Date:
The approximate mailing date of this proxy statement and
accompanying proxy card is April 13, 2007. |
Your vote is important.
If you are a shareholder of record, you can now vote your shares via the Internet or by using a
toll-free telephone number by following the instructions on your proxy card. If voting by mail,
please complete, date and sign your proxy card and return it as soon as possible in the enclosed
postage-paid envelope.
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The Company makes available, free of charge on its website, all of its filings
that are made electronically with the SEC, including Forms 10-K, 10-Q and 8-K. To
access these filings, go to the Company’s website ( and click on
the “SEC Filings” tab at the left under the “Investor Relations” page. Copies of
the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2006,
including financial statements and schedules thereto, filed with the SEC, are also
available without charge to shareholders upon written request addressed to:
Robert H. Ruffing
Vice President and Controller
American Financial Group, Inc.
580 Walnut Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.
Record Date; Shares Outstanding
As of March 30, 2007, the record date for determining shareholders entitled to notice of and
to vote at the meeting, the Company had 119,829,085 shares of common stock deemed outstanding and
eligible to vote. This number does not include 14,940,627 shares held by subsidiaries of AFG.
Under Ohio law, shares held by subsidiaries are not entitled to vote and are therefore not
considered to be outstanding for purposes of the meeting. Each share of outstanding common stock is
entitled to one vote on each matter to be presented at the meeting. Abstentions (including
instructions to withhold authority to vote for one or more nominees) and broker non-votes are
counted for purposes of determining a quorum, but will have no effect on the outcome of any matter
voted on at the meeting. Broker non-votes occur when a broker returns a proxy card but does not
have authority to vote on a particular proposal.
All share and per share amounts presented in this proxy statement have been adjusted to
reflect the effect of the Company’s three-for-two common stock split that became effective December
15, 2006.
Proxies and Voting Procedures
Shareholders of record can vote by mail or via the Internet or by using the toll-free
telephone number listed on the proxy card. Internet and telephone voting information is provided
on the proxy card. A control number, located on the lower right portion of the proxy card, verifies
a shareholder’s identity and allows the shareholder to vote the shares and confirm that the voting
instructions have been recorded properly. If you vote via the Internet or by telephone, please do
not return a signed proxy card. Shareholders who hold their shares through a bank or broker can
vote by mail, or via the Internet or by telephone if these other options are offered by the bank or
If voting by mail, please complete, sign, date and return your proxy card enclosed with the
proxy statement in the accompanying postage-paid envelope.
If your shares are held in the name of your broker or bank and you wish to vote in person at
the meeting, you should request your broker or bank to issue you a proxy covering your shares.
Solicitation of proxies through the mail, in person and otherwise, is being made by management
at the direction of AFG’s Board of Directors, without additional compensation. AFG will pay all
costs of soliciting proxies. In addition, AFG will request brokers and other custodians, nominees
and fiduciaries to forward proxy-soliciting material to the beneficial owners of shares held of
record by such persons, and AFG will reimburse them for their expenses.
If a choice is specified on a properly executed proxy card, the shares will be voted
accordingly. If a proxy card is signed without a preference indicated, those shares will be voted
“FOR” the election of the nine nominees proposed by the Board of Directors, “FOR” the ratification
of the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm, and “FOR” the proposal to approve
the 2007 Annual Senior Executive Bonus Plan. The authority solicited by this proxy statement
includes discretionary authority to cumulate votes in the election of directors. If any other
matters properly come before the meeting or any postponement or adjournment thereof, each properly
executed proxy card will be voted in the discretion of the proxies named therein.
With respect to Proposal No. 1, the nine nominees who receive the greatest number of votes
will be elected. With respect to Proposals 2 and 3, a proposal will be adopted only if it receives
approval by a majority vote of those shares cast.
Savings Plan Participants
If you are a participant in the Company’s retirement and savings plan with a balance in either
the AFG Securities Fund or AFG Common Stock Fund, the accompanying proxy card shows the number of shares of common stock attributed to your account balance under the plan, calculated as of the
record date. In order for your plan shares to be voted in your discretion, you must vote via the
Internet or by
telephone, or return your proxy card properly signed, each at least two business
days prior to the meeting (by the end of the day on May 14, 2007). If you vote by mail and make no
direction, you do not vote via the Internet or by telephone, or your proxy card is not received at
least two business days prior to the meeting, the Administrative Plan Committee will vote your plan
shares in the Committee’s sole discretion. Plan participants’ votes will be held in confidence.
Revoking a Proxy
Whether you vote by mail, via the Internet or by telephone, you may revoke your proxy at any
time before it is voted by submitting a new proxy with a later date, voting via the Internet or by
telephone at a later time, delivering a written notice of revocation to the Company’s corporate
secretary, or voting in person at the meeting.
Cumulative Voting
Shareholders have cumulative voting rights in the election of directors and one vote per share
on all other matters. Cumulative voting allows a shareholder to multiply the number of shares
owned on the record date by the number of directors to be elected and to cast the total for one
nominee or distribute the votes among the nominees as the shareholder desires. The nine nominees
who receive the greatest number of votes will be elected. In order to invoke cumulative voting,
notice of cumulative voting must be given in writing to the Company’s corporate secretary not less
than 48 hours before the time fixed for the holding of the meeting.
Adjournment and Other Matters
Approval of a motion for adjournment, postponement or other matters brought before the meeting
requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the shares voting at the meeting. Management knows
of no other matters to be presented at the meeting other than those stated in this document.
Proposal No. 1 4 Elect Nine Directors
The Board of Directors oversees the management of the Company on your behalf. The Board
reviews AFG’s long-term strategic plans and exercises direct decision-making authority in key areas
such as choosing the Co-Chief Executive Officers, setting the scope of their authority to manage
the Company’s business day-to-day, and evaluating senior management performance.
Upon the recommendation of the Corporate Governance Committee (the “Governance Committee”),
the Board of Directors has nominated nine individuals to hold office until the next annual meeting
of shareholders and until their successors are elected and qualified. If any of the nominees
should become unable to serve as a director, the proxies will be voted for any substitute nominee
designated by the Board of Directors but, in any event, no proxy may be voted for more than nine
The nominees for election to the Board of Directors are:
Carl H. Lindner
Director since 1959
For more than five years, Mr. Lindner has served as
the Chairman of the Board, and until January 2005,
also served as Chief Executive Officer of the
Company. He is also Chairman of the Board of
Directors of Great American Financial Resources,
Inc., a majority-owned subsidiary of AFG that markets
traditional fixed, indexed and variable annuities and
a variety of supplemental insurance products. |
Carl H. Lindner III
Director since 1991
He has been Co-Chief Executive Officer since January
2005, and for more than five years, Mr. Lindner has
served as Co-President of the Company. For over ten
years, Mr. Lindner has been President of Great
American Insurance Company and has been principally
responsible for the Company’s property and casualty
insurance operations. |
S. Craig Lindner
Director since 1985
He has been Co-Chief Executive Officer since January
2005, and for more than five years, Mr. Lindner has
served as Co-President of the Company. He is also
President and Chief Executive Officer and a Director
of Great American Financial Resources, Inc. Mr.
Lindner is also President of American Money
Management Corporation, a subsidiary that provides
investment services for the Company and its
affiliated companies. He is also a director of
National City Corp. (“NCC”), but has announced that
he will not seek reelection to that board at the
meeting of NCC shareholders scheduled to be held on
April 24, 2007. |
Kenneth C. Ambrecht
Director since 2005
(Member of the Compensation Committee; Member of the
Corporate Governance Committee) Mr. Ambrecht has
extensive corporate finance experience having worked
in the U.S. capital markets for over 30 years. In
December 2005, Mr. Ambrecht organized KCA Associates
LLC, through which he serves as a consultant to
several companies, advising them with respect to
financings and financial transactions. From July
2004 to December 2005, he served as a Managing
Director with the investment banking firm First
Albany Capital. For more than five years prior, Mr.
Ambrecht was a Managing Director with Royal Bank
Canada Capital Markets. Prior to that post, Mr.
Ambrecht worked with the investment bank Lehman
Brothers as Managing Director of its capital markets
division. Mr. Ambrecht is also a member of the
Boards of Directors of Great American Financial
Resources, Inc. and Fortescue Metals Group Limited,
an Australian mining company and Dominion Petroleum
Ltd., an oil and gas exploration company. |
Theodore H. Emmerich
Director since 1988
(Chairman of the Audit Committee) Prior to his
retirement in 1986, Mr. Emmerich was managing partner
of the Cincinnati office of the independent
accounting firm of Ernst & Whinney. He is also a
director of Summit Mutual Funds, Inc. |
James E. Evans
Director since 1985
For more than five years, Mr. Evans has served as
Senior Vice President and General Counsel of the
Company. |
Terry S. Jacobs
Director since 2003
(Member of the Audit Committee; Member of the
Corporate Governance Committee) Mr. Jacobs has
served as Chairman, President and Chief Executive
Officer of The JFP Group, LLC, a real estate
investment and development company, since September
2005. From its founding in September 1996 until
September 2005, Mr. Jacobs served as Chairman of the
Board and Chief Executive Officer of Regent
Communications, Inc. Mr. Jacobs is a Fellow of the
Casualty Actuarial Society (“FCAS”) and a Member of
the American Academy of Actuaries (“MAAA”). He also
serves as a director of Global Entertainment Corp and
serves on the Board and Executive Committee of the
National Football Foundation and College Hall of
Fame, Inc. |
William R. Martin
Director since 1994
(Chairman of the Compensation Committee; Member of
the Audit Committee) Prior to his retirement in
2003, Mr. Martin had been Chairman of the Board of MB
Computing, Inc., a computer software and services
company, for more than five years. Mr. Martin is
also a director of Great American Financial
Resources, Inc. |
William W. Verity
Director since 2002
(Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee;
Member of the Compensation Committee) Mr. Verity has
been President of Verity & Verity, LLC, an investment
management company, since January 1, 2002, and prior
to that, he was a partner of Pathway Guidance L.L.C.,
an executive consulting firm, from October 2000. For
more than five years previously, Mr. Verity was
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of ENCOR
Holdings, Inc., a developer and manufacturer of
plastic molded components. |
Carl H. Lindner is the father of Carl H. Lindner III and S. Craig Lindner. All of the
nominees were elected directors at the last annual meeting of shareholders of the Company held on
May 18, 2006. See “Management” and “Compensation” below for additional information concerning the
background, securities holdings, remuneration and other matters relating to the nominees.
The Board of Directors recommends that shareholders vote FOR the election of these nine
nominees as directors.
Proposal No. 2 4 |
Ratification of the Company’s Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm |
The Company’s Audit Committee Charter provides that the Audit Committee shall appoint annually
an independent registered public accounting firm to serve as auditors. In February 2007, the Audit
Committee appointed Ernst & Young LLP to serve as auditors for 2007. Ernst & Young (or its
predecessor) has served as the Company’s independent auditors since the Company’s founding.
Although the Audit Committee has the sole authority to appoint auditors, shareholders are
being asked to ratify this appointment. If the shareholders do not ratify the appointment, the
Audit Committee will take that fact into consideration, but may, nevertheless, continue to retain
Ernst & Young. However, the Audit Committee in its discretion may engage a different registered
public accounting firm at any time during the year if the Audit Committee determines that such a
change would be in the best interests of the Company.
Audit Fees and Non-Audit Fees
The following table presents fees for professional audit services by Ernst & Young for the
audit of the Company’s annual financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2006 and
December 31, 2005, and fees billed for other services rendered by them during these periods.
2006 |
2005 |
Audit fees (1) |
$ |
5,603,000 |
$ |
4,220,000 |
Audit related fees (2) |
124,000 |
98,000 |
Tax fees |
12,000 |
108,000 |
All other fees |
2,000 |
57,000 |
Total |
$ |
5,741,000 |
$ |
4,483,000 |
(1) |
Ernst & Young’s aggregate fees for services related to the audits of the GAAP financial
statements (including services incurred to render an opinion under Section 404 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002), statutory insurance company audits, reviews of SEC filings,
and quarterly reviews. |
(2) |
Ernst & Young’s audit related services, including attestation services not required by
regulation and due diligence services relating to acquisitions and dispositions. |
Representatives of Ernst & Young are expected to be at the meeting and will be given the
opportunity to make a statement if they so desire. They will also be available to respond to
appropriate questions from shareholders.
The Board of Directors recommends that shareholders vote FOR the ratification of the Audit
Committee’s appointment of Ernst & Young as our independent registered public accounting firm for
Proposal No. 3 4 |
Proposal to Approve the 2007 Annual Senior Executive Bonus Plan |
Shareholders are being asked to approve the 2007 Annual Senior Executive Bonus Plan. A copy
of this Plan is attached to these proxy materials as Annex A. The following description of the
material terms of the Plan is qualified in its entirety by reference to the complete text set forth
in Annex A.
The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors established the Plan to reward
participants for the profitability of the Company by including performance-based compensation as a
significant component of an executive’s annual compensation. The Plan is designed to reflect the
current market for executive compensation and to promote high levels of corporate performance that
we believe will enhance long-term shareholder value. This Plan is being presented for shareholder
approval so that the compensation expense for awards under the Plan will be, to the extent
permissible, tax deductible for the Company and not subject to the $1 million per year limitation
on deductibility (“Deduction Limit”) as outlined under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended (“Section 162(m)”). Under the Plan, the Company may grant cash bonus awards to
the Co-Chief Executive Officers and the Senior Vice Presidents of the Company, based on the
satisfaction of pre-established performance goals set forth in the Plan.
Administration. The Plan is administered by the Compensation Committee, which is
composed solely of three “outside directors” as defined under Section 162(m). No member of the
Committee is eligible to be granted a bonus under the Plan. The Committee has exclusive power to
determine the conditions (including the specific annual performance goals consistent with the Plan)
to which the payment of the bonuses under the Plan may be subject and to certify that performance
goals are attained.
Performance Goals. Performance goals are established annually based on financial measurements
and operational metrics. The financial measurements include growth in book value per share, return
on equity, per share price of common stock relative to certain indices, and the status of the
Company’s debt-to-capital ratio. The operational metrics include performance goals relating to the
combined ratios of the Company’s insurance subsidiaries, investment portfolio performance, as well
as other operational, qualitative measurements which may relate to the development and
implementation of strategic initiatives and annual objectives, responses to unexpected
developments, the development of management personnel, but generally exclude the results of any
re-examination of asbestos, environmental and other tort liabilities, and the impact of any
extraordinary transactions involving or affecting the Company and its subsidiaries.
The Committee evaluates the performance goals or measures and establishes a percentage
relating to each. For example, under the bonus plan in effect for 2007, 50% has been assigned to
earnings per share and 50% has been assigned to specific, objective Company performance goals (with
respect to the Co-CEOs) and 50% has been assigned to earnings per share and 50% has been assigned
to Company and individual performance (with respect to the Company’s Senior Vice Presidents).
As part of the establishment of performance goals, the Compensation Committee sets a bonus
target for each participant in the Plan for the ensuing plan year. If the Committee finds that
performance goals established for a participant have not been fully met, or exceeded, for the plan
year, the participant’s
award will depend upon the level of achievement that the participant attained with respect to
each goal utilizing the formula set out in the Plan. Awards may range up to 175% of a
participant’s bonus
target with respect to the Co-Chief Executive Officers up to 125% of a
participant’s bonus target with respect to the Senior Vice Presidents.
As a separate element of the Plan, the Committee retains the discretion to pay an amount above
amounts attributable to the achievement of the objective performance goals if the Company
significantly exceeds any of such goals. However, no such payment may increase the amount paid to
a participant above 175% of their bonus target. To the extent that any portion of a participant’s
ultimate bonus is paid based upon such subjective judgment of the Committee, that portion may not
be tax deductible by the Company.
For 2007, the Committee has established the following with respect to the earnings per share
Percentage of Bonus Target to be |
Operating EPS |
paid for EPS Component |
Less than $3.10 |
0 |
% |
$3.33 |
100 |
% |
$3.55 or more |
175 |
% |
If the Operating EPS is $3.10 or greater, but less than $3.33, or if the Operating EPS is
greater than $3.33 and less than $3.55, the bonus will be determined by straight-line
As soon as practicable after the end of a calendar year, the Committee will certify in writing
whether or not the performance goals of the participants have been attained and shall report to the
Board the amount of the cash bonus, if any, to be awarded to each participant.
Each year, typically within 90 days after the end of the previous year, the Committee
establishes new bonus targets and performance goals under the Plan. Bonus targets and performance
goals for 2007 were established in March 2007.
We attempted, to the extent practicable, to structure the 2007 Annual Senior Executive Bonus
Plan as an incentive compensation program that would satisfy the requirements for the
“performance-based compensation” exception to the Deduction Limit and, accordingly, preserve the
deductibility of compensation paid under the Plan. As a consequence, the Plan and the material
terms of the performance goals described are being submitted to our shareholders for approval in
accordance with the requirements for the “performance-based compensation” exception to the
Deduction Limit. If so approved, the Plan will remain in effect from year to year until terminated
by the Committee. We will attempt to qualify compensation paid under the Plan to “covered
employees” as “performance-based compensation” so that it will not be subject to the Deduction
Limit, but there can be no assurance in this regard.
If our shareholders do not approve the Plan, the Committee may still approve incentive
compensation for our executives in order to maintain the market competitiveness of the Company’s
executive compensation program, and to further align the financial interests of our executives with
those of our shareholders. However, some of the amounts awarded under a plan not approved by
shareholders may be subject to the Deduction Limit. By triggering the Deduction Limit, the
Company’s corporate tax liability would be increased.
Amendment and Termination. The Committee may at any time terminate the Plan. The Committee
may at any time, or from time to time, amend or suspend and, if suspended, reinstate the Plan in
whole or in part. Any amendment or revision to the Plan and/or performance goals therein that
requires shareholder approval pursuant to Section 162(m) may be submitted to our shareholders for
approval. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Plan shall continue in effect to the extent necessary
to settle all matters relating to the payment of bonuses awarded prior to any such termination or
suspension. In no event shall the Committee have the discretion to increase compensation under the
Plan after performance targets are established and the period of service has commenced.
If a participant’s employment with the Company or a subsidiary is terminated for any reason
other than discharge for cause, and he or she would otherwise be entitled to a bonus under the
Plan, the Committee, may, in its sole discretion, award such a bonus. In the event of a
participant’s discharge for cause from the employ of the Company, he or she shall not be entitled
to any amount of bonus.
The Plan has been adopted and approved by the Committee and will remain effective for each
year thereafter unless and until determined by the Committee.
Federal Income Tax Consequences. The Company believes that under present law the following
are the federal income tax consequences generally arising with respect to awards granted under the
Plan. This summary is for shareholder informative purposes and is not intended to provide tax
advice to Plan participants.
Plan participants must generally recognize ordinary income equal to the cash value of awards
received. Subject to Section 162(m), the Company will be entitled to a deduction for the same
amount. The foregoing provides only a general description of the application of federal income tax
laws to certain types of awards under the Plan. The summary does not address the effects of
foreign, state and local tax laws. Because of the complexities of the tax laws, Plan participants
are encouraged to consult a tax advisor as to their individual circumstances.
New Plan Benefits. Grants of awards under the Plan are subject to the certification and
discretion of the Committee and are, therefore, not determinable at this time. The following table
reflects the bonus targets established by the Committee under the Plan for 2007. The bonus targets
for future years may be higher, lower or the same as bonus targets in effect for 2007.
2007 Bonus |
Name and Position |
Target (1) |
Carl H. Lindner III, Co-Chief Executive Officer |
$ |
1,150,000 |
S. Craig Lindner, Co-Chief Executive Officer |
1,150,000 |
James E. Evans, Senior Vice President |
850,000 |
Keith A. Jensen, Senior Vice President |
560,000 |
Thomas E. Mischell, Senior Vice President |
375,000 |
All executive officers as a group |
4,085,000 |
Non-executive directors as a group |
n/a |
Non-executive officers as a group |
n/a |
(1) |
Awards may range from 0% to 175% of a participant’s bonus target with respect to the
Co-Chief Executive Officers and 0% to 125% of a participant’s bonus target with respect
to the Senior Vice Presidents. Amounts shown reflect payments at 100% of bonus target. |
The Board of Directors of the Company unanimously recommends that you vote “FOR” the approval
of the 2007 Annual Senior Executive Bonus Plan and the performance goals used to determine the
amount of cash bonus payments to be awarded under the Plan as described herein.
The following shareholders are the only persons known by the Company to own beneficially
5% or more of its outstanding common stock as of March 30, 2007:
Amount and Nature of Beneficial Ownership |
Name and Address |
Obtainable |
Of |
Common Stock |
upon Exercise of |
Beneficial Owner |
Held (1) |
Options (2) |
Total |
Percent of Class |
Carl H. Lindner
One East Fourth Street
13,257,520 |
(4) |
— |
13,257,520 |
11.1 |
% |
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 |
Carl H. Lindner III
One East Fourth Street
8,793,915 |
(5) |
453,631 |
9,247,546 |
7.7 |
%(3) |
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 |
S. Craig Lindner
One East Fourth Street
8,902,556 |
(6) |
453,631 |
9,356,187 |
7.8 |
%(3) |
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 |
Keith E. Lindner
250 East Fifth Street
5,976,054 |
(7) |
— |
5,976,054 |
5.0 |
%(3) |
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 |
The American Financial
Group, Inc. Retirement
and Savings Plan
7,009,945 |
(8) |
— |
7,009,945 |
5.8 |
% |
One East Fourth Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 |
(1) |
Unless otherwise noted, the holder has sole voting and dispositive power with respect to
the shares listed. |
(2) |
Represents shares of common stock that may be acquired within 60 days of March 30, 2007
through the exercise of options granted under the Company’s Stock Option Plan. |
(3) |
The percentages of outstanding shares of common stock beneficially owned (within the
meaning of Rule 13d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) by Carl H. Lindner III, S.
Craig Lindner and Keith E. Lindner are 6.9%, 6.8% and 6.7%, respectively, after attributing
the shares held in various trusts for the benefit of the minor children of S. Craig Lindner
and Carl H. Lindner III (for which Keith E. Lindner acts as trustee with voting and
dispositive power) to Keith E. Lindner. |
(4) |
Includes 4,170,893 shares held by his spouse individually and as trustee with voting
and dispositive power and 336,493 shares held in a charitable foundation over which Mr.
Lindner has sole voting and dispositive power but no pecuniary interest. Excludes
2,795,506 shares held in a trust for the benefit of his family for which a third party acts
as trustee with voting and dispositive power. Includes 159 shares beneficially owned
through a Company retirement plan over which he has voting and dispositive power. |
(5) |
Includes 32,333 shares held by his spouse in a trust over which she has voting and
dispositive power, 34,375 shares held by one of his children, 2,376 shares held as
custodian for one of his nieces, 1,468,500 shares held by a limited liability company over
which he holds dispositive but not voting power, 3,108,839 shares held in a trust over
which he has dispositive but not voting power, and 920,997 shares which are held in various
trusts for the benefit of his children for which his brother Keith E. Lindner acts as
trustee with voting and dispositive power. Includes 18,966 shares beneficially owned
through a Company retirement plan over which he has voting and dispositive power. |
(6) |
Includes 102,811 shares held by his spouse as custodian for their minor child or in a
trust over which she has voting and dispositive power, 25,217 shares held in trust by one
of his children, 25,217 shares held by one of his children, 1,485,000 shares held by a
limited liability company over which he holds dispositive but not voting power, 2,044,276
shares held in a trust over which he has dispositive but not voting power, 190,812 shares
held in trusts for the benefit of his children over which his spouse has dispositive but
not |
voting power, and 1,165,364 shares which are held in various trusts for the benefit of
his children for which his brother Keith E. Lindner acts as trustee with voting and
dispositive power. Includes 174,258 shares held in a charitable foundation over which he
has sole voting and dispositive power but no pecuniary interest. Includes 20,379 shares
beneficially owned through a Company retirement plan over which he has voting and
dispositive power. |
(7) |
Includes 6,561,885 shares held in various trusts and a limited liability company over
which he or his spouse holds or shares voting and/or dispositive power. Also includes 338
shares beneficially owned through a Company retirement plan over which shares he has voting
and dispositive power. Excludes 22,072 shares held in custodial accounts for the benefit
of his children over which a third party has voting and dispositive power, and 2,086,361
shares held in various trusts for the benefit of the children of his brothers, over which
Mr. Lindner has sole voting and dispositive power but no financial interest. |
(8) |
The members of the Administrative Plan Committee of the American Financial Group, Inc.
Retirement and Savings Plan (the “RASP”), Sandra W. Heimann, Thomas E. Mischell and Mark F.
Muething direct the disposition of the securities held by the RASP and may direct the
voting of Plan shares for which voting instructions have not been received by Plan
participants at least two days prior to the meeting. Mrs. Heimann and Mr. Mischell are
senior employees of the Company, and Mr. Muething is a senior executive of the Company’s
Great American Financial Resources, Inc. subsidiary. See “General Information – Savings
Plan Participants” on page 1 of this proxy statement. |
The directors, nominees for director and executive officers of the Company are:
Director or |
Age (1) |
Position |
Executive Since |
Carl H. Lindner |
87 |
Chairman of the Board |
1959 |
Carl H. Lindner III |
53 |
Co-Chief Executive Officer, Co-President and a Director |
1979 |
S. Craig Lindner |
52 |
Co-Chief Executive Officer, Co-President and a Director |
1980 |
Kenneth C. Ambrecht |
61 |
Director |
2005 |
Theodore H. Emmerich |
80 |
Director |
1988 |
James E. Evans |
61 |
Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Director |
1976 |
Terry S. Jacobs |
64 |
Director |
2003 |
William R. Martin |
78 |
Director |
1994 |
William W. Verity |
48 |
Director |
2002 |
Keith A. Jensen |
56 |
Senior Vice President |
1999 |
Thomas E. Mischell |
59 |
Senior Vice President - Taxes |
1985 |
(1) |
As of March 30, 2007. |
Keith A. Jensen has served as Senior Vice President of the Company for over five years.
Since January 2005, he has also served as the Company’s chief financial officer.
Thomas E. Mischell has served as Senior Vice President — Taxes of the Company for over five
Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires AFG’s executive officers, directors and persons who
own more than ten percent of AFG’s common stock to file reports of ownership with the Securities
and Exchange Commission and to furnish AFG with copies of these reports. Based on a review of
these reports, the Company believes that all filing requirements were timely met during 2006.
Securities Ownership
The following table sets forth information, as of March 30, 2007, concerning the beneficial
ownership of equity securities of the Company and its subsidiaries by each director, nominee for
director, the executive officers named in the Summary Compensation Table (see “Compensation” below)
and by all of these individuals as a group. Such information is based on data furnished by the
persons named. Except as set forth in the footnotes below or under “Principal Shareholders” on
page 8 of this proxy statement, no director or executive officer beneficially owned 1% or more of
any class of equity security of the Company or any of its subsidiaries outstanding at March 30,
2007. Unless otherwise indicated, the persons named have sole voting and dispositive power over
the shares reported.
Amount and Nature of Beneficial Ownership (1) |
Shares of Common Stock Obtainable on |
Name of |
Shares of Common |
Exercise of Options or Beneficially Owned |
Beneficial Owner |
Stock Held |
Through Employee Retirement Plans (2) |
Carl H. Lindner (3) |
13,257,361 |
(4) |
159 |
Carl H. Lindner III (3) |
8,774,949 |
(5) |
472,597 |
S. Craig Lindner (3) |
8,882,177 |
(6) |
474,010 |
Kenneth C. Ambrecht |
5,352 |
0 |
Theodore H. Emmerich |
33,661 |
17,250 |
James E. Evans |
188,845 |
305,005 |
Terry S. Jacobs |
14,890 |
0 |
William R. Martin |
86,612 |
17,250 |
William W. Verity |
11,665 |
11,250 |
Keith A. Jensen |
18,340 |
317,567 |
Thomas E. Mischell (7) |
171,810 |
373,241 |
All directors and executive officers
as a group (11 persons)(3) |
31,445,662 |
1,988,329 |
(1) |
Does not include the following ownership interests in subsidiaries of AFG: Messrs.
Emmerich, Evans, C. H. Lindner, S. C. Lindner, Martin, Mischell and Ambrecht and all
directors and executive officers as a group beneficially own 1,561; 5,700; 536,808 (1.1%);
126,407; 51,480; 11,000; 11,198 and 744,154 (1.6%) shares, respectively, of the common
stock of Great American Financial Resources. Mr. Jensen owns 500 shares of common stock of
the Company’s subsidiary, National Interstate Corporation. |
(2) |
Consists of shares of common stock purchasable within 60 days of March 30, 2007 through
the exercise of the vested portion of stock options granted under the Company’s Stock
Option Plan and shares which the executive may be deemed to beneficially own through one or
more of the Company’s retirement plans. The amount of shares so beneficially owned through
a Company retirement plan is as follows: C. H. Lindner – 159; C. H. Lindner III – 18,966;
S. C. Lindner – 20,379; K. A. Jensen – 549; T. E. Mischell – 35,740; and all directors and
executive officers as a group – 75,793. |
(3) |
The shares beneficially owned by Carl H. Lindner, Carl H. Lindner III, and S. Craig
Lindner, and all directors and officers as a group, constituted 11.1%, 7.7%, 7.8%, and
27.5%, respectively, of the common stock outstanding at March 30, 2007. See footnote (3)
to the Principal Shareholders table on page 8. |
(4) |
Includes 4,170,893 shares held by his spouse individually and as trustee with voting
and dispositive power and 336,493 shares held in a charitable foundation over which Mr.
Lindner has sole voting and dispositive power but no pecuniary interest. Excludes
2,795,506 shares held in a trust for the benefit of his family for which a third party acts
as trustee with voting and dispositive power. |
(5) |
Includes 32,333 shares held by his spouse in a trust over which she has voting and
dispositive power, 34,375 shares held by one of his children, 2,376 shares held as
custodian for one of his nieces, 1,468,500 shares held by a limited liability company over
which he holds dispositive but not voting power, 3,108,839 shares held in a trust over
which he has dispositive but not voting power, and 920,997 shares which are held in various
trusts for the benefit of his children for which his brother Keith E. Lindner acts as
trustee with voting and dispositive power. |
(6) |
Includes 102,811 shares held by his spouse as custodian for their minor child or in a
trust over which she has voting and dispositive power, 25,217 shares held by one of his
children, 25,217 shares held in trust by one of his children, 1,485,000 shares held by a
limited liability company over which shares he holds dispositive but not voting power,
2,044,276 shares held in a trust over which he has dispositive but not voting power,
190,812 shares held in trusts for the benefit of his children over which shares his spouse
has dispositive but not voting power, and 1,165,364 shares which are held in various trusts
for the benefit of his children for which his brother Keith E. Lindner acts as trustee with
voting and dispositive power. Includes 174,258 shares held in a charitable foundation over
which he has sole voting and dispositive power but no pecuniary interest. Mr. Lindner
has pledged 720,895 shares as collateral under a loan agreement. |
(7) |
Excludes shares held in the RASP, for which he serves on the Administrative Plan
Committee, other than those shares allocated to his personal RASP account. |
Equity Compensation Plan Information
The following reflects certain information about shares of AFG Common Stock authorized for
issuance (at December 31, 2006) under compensation plans.
(c) |
Number of securities |
remaining available for |
(a) |
(b) |
future issuance under |
Number of securities to |
Weighted-average |
equity compensation |
be issued upon exercise |
exercise price of |
plans (excluding |
of outstanding options, |
outstanding options, |
securities reflected in |
Plan category |
warrants, and rights |
warrants, and rights |
column (a) |
Equity compensation
plans approved by
security holders |
8,572,703 |
$ |
19.41 |
9,729,943 |
(1) |
Equity compensation
plans not approved
by security holders |
— |
— |
410,860 |
(2) |
Total |
8,572,703 |
$ |
19.41 |
10,140,803 |
(1) |
Includes 6.5 million shares available for issuance under AFG’s Stock Incentive Plan,
3.1 million shares issuable under AFG’s Employee Stock Purchase Plan and 122,000 shares
issuable under AFG’s Nonemployee Directors’ Compensation Plan. |
(2) |
Represents shares issuable under AFG’s Deferred Compensation Plan. Under this Plan,
certain employees of AFG and its subsidiaries may defer up to 80% of their annual salary
and/or bonus. Participants may elect to have the value of deferrals (i) earn a return
equal to the overall performance of one of three mutual fund alternatives, (ii) earn a
fixed rate of interest, set annually by the Board of Directors, or (iii) fluctuate based on
the market value of AFG Common Stock, as adjusted to reflect stock splits, distributions,
dividends, and a 7-1/2% match to participant deferrals. |
Compensation Discussion and Analysis
Overview of Compensation Program
The Compensation Committee (for purposes of this analysis, the “Committee”) of the Board of
Directors has responsibility for establishing, implementing and continually monitoring adherence
with the Company’s compensation philosophy. The Committee ensures that the total compensation paid
to the named executive officers is fair, reasonable and competitive.
Throughout this proxy statement, the individuals who served as the Company’s Co-Chief
Executive Officers during fiscal year 2006, as well as the other individuals included in the
Summary Compensation Table on page 21, are referred to as the “named executive officers” or “NEOs”.
Compensation Philosophy and Objectives
AFG’s philosophy regarding executive compensation programs is centered around the balance of
motivating, rewarding and retaining executives with a compensation package competitive among its
peers, and the resolute determination of maximizing shareholder value by designing and implementing
programs that tie the performance of the Company to the compensation earned. Guided by principles
that reinforce the Company’s pay-for-performance philosophy, compensation may include base salary
and eligibility for annual cash bonuses and long-term incentives such as stock options, restricted
stock and stock awards and other compensation. A significant portion of each senior executive
officer’s compensation is dependent upon achieving business and financial goals, and realizing
other performance objectives.
Establishing Compensation Levels
As in prior years, compensation levels for the Co-CEOs are based primarily upon the
Compensation Committee’s assessment of the executive officers’ leadership performance and potential
to enhance long-term shareholder value. The Committee relies upon a combination of judgment and
guidelines in determining the amount and mix of compensation elements for the Co-CEOs. The
compensation levels for the other NEOs are similarly determined by the Co-CEOs, and reviewed by the
Compensation Committee, again based primarily upon the assessment of each such executive officer’s
leadership performance and potential to enhance long-term shareholder value.
Key factors affecting the Committee’s judgment with respect to the Co-CEOs included the nature
and scope of their responsibilities, their effectiveness in leading the Board of Directors’
initiatives to increase shareholder value, productivity and growth. The Committee also considers
the compensation levels and performances of a comparison group of publicly-held insurance companies
(collectively, the “Compensation Peer Group”) to benchmark the appropriateness and competitiveness
of the Company’s compensation programs. The Compensation Peer Group, which is periodically
reviewed and updated by the Committee, consists of companies against which the Committee believes
AFG competes for talent and for stockholder investment, and in the marketplace for business. In
analyzing market pay levels among the Compensation Peer Group, the Committee factors into its
analysis the large variance in size (both in terms of revenues and market capitalization) among the
companies. The companies comprising the Compensation Peer Group are:
ACE Limited
Markel Corporation |
American International Group, Inc.
Ohio Casualty Corporation |
Arch Capital Group Ltd.
Philadelphia Consolidated Holding Corp. |
The Chubb Corporation
W. R. Berkley Corporation |
Cincinnati Financial Corporation
XL Capital Ltd. |
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.
Zenith National Insurance Corp. |
HCC Insurance Holdings, Inc. |
Based upon all these factors, and in light of the Company’s strong financial and
operating performance, the Committee believes it is in AFG shareholders’ best long-term interest
for the Committee to ensure that the overall level of our salary, bonus and equity-based awards is
competitive with companies in the Compensation Peer Group. The Committee continues to believe that
the quality, skills and dedication of executive leaders are critical factors affecting the
long-term value of the Company. Therefore, the Committee and the Co-Chief Executive Officers
continue to try to maintain an executive compensation program that will attract, motivate and
retain the highest level of executive leadership possible.
The Committee’s decisions concerning the specific 2006 compensation elements for the Co-CEOs
were made within this framework. The Committee also considered each such executive officer’s
performance, current salary, prior-year bonus and other compensation. In all cases, specific
decisions involving 2006 compensation were ultimately based upon the Committee’s judgment about the
Co-CEOs’ performance, potential future contributions and about whether each particular payment or
award would provide an appropriate incentive and reward for performance that sustains and enhances
long-term shareholder value.
Tally Sheet
To get a clearer picture of the total amount of compensation paid to the Company’s executive
officers, the Compensation Committee annually reviews all components of the NEOs’ total
compensation package. This review includes salary, bonus, equity and long-term incentive
compensation, accumulated realized and unrealized stock option gains, the dollar value to the
executive and cost to the Company of all perquisites and other personal benefits, the earnings and
accumulated payout obligations under the Company’s Deferred Compensation Plan, and the
contributions to and investment performance under the Company’s retirement and savings plan. A
tally sheet totaling all the above components was prepared and reviewed. The Committee noted the
annual limitations agreed upon by the Committee and the Co-CEOs with respect to personal use of
corporate aircraft (120 hours each) and the executive insurance program ($300,000) and the fact
that, if such limitations are exceeded, reimbursement will be made based on the cost to the Company
of providing those benefits.
Based on this review, the Committee found the NEOs’ total compensation in the aggregate to be
reasonable, not excessive, and consistent with the objectives of the Company’s compensation
Internal Pay Equity
The Committee believes that the relative difference between the Co-CEOs compensation and the
compensation of the Company’s other senior executives has not increased significantly over the
years. Further, the Committee believes that the Company’s internal pay equity structure is
consistent with our peer group and is appropriate based upon the contributions to the success of
the Company and as a means of motivation to other executives and employees.
Outside Consultants
While the Committee has from time to time considered the use of outside consultants in
assisting in evaluating the Company’s executive compensation program and practices, it did not
engage such a consultant during 2006. The Committee believes that it has the necessary resources
available to survey the compensation practices of the Company’s Compensation Peer Group and keep
abreast of compensation developments in the marketplace.
Tax Deductibility of Pay
Section 162(m) places a limit of $1,000,000 on the amount of compensation that AFG may deduct
in any one year with respect to its five most highly paid executive officers. There is an
exception to the $1,000,000 limitation for performance-based compensation meeting certain
The Committee attempts, to the extent practicable, to structure the incentive compensation
programs of the NEOs to satisfy the requirements for the “performance-based compensation” exception
and preserve the full deductibility of all such compensation paid. However, we can make no
assurances that any amount of such compensation may be so deductible. In furtherance of this goal,
we are seeking shareholder approval of the 2007 Annual Senior Executive Bonus Plan.
If our shareholders do not approve the Plan and the material terms of the performance goals
described, the Committee may still go forward with an incentive compensation arrangement in order
to maintain the market competitiveness of the Company’s executive compensation program, and to
further align the financial interests of our executives with those of our shareholders.
Compensation Components
For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2006, the principal components of compensation for
named executive officers were:
• |
base salary; |
• |
annual performance-based bonuses (including cash and stock awards); |
• |
long-term equity incentive compensation; |
• |
retirement and other related benefits; and |
• |
perquisites and other personal benefits. |
The Company has no contracts, employment agreements, plans or arrangements with any NEO which
would give rise to a payment to such NEO in the event of a change in control of the Company.
Base Salary
The Company pays salaries that are designed to attract and retain superior leaders. Annual
base salary is paid for ongoing performance throughout the year. The Committee determines annual
base salaries for the Co-CEOs that are appropriate, in its subjective judgment, based on each
officer’s responsibilities and performance and input from the Co-CEOs themselves. The Co-CEOs set
salaries for the other NEOs which are reviewed by the Committee. The Co-CEOs believe that such
salaries are appropriate in light of the levels of responsibility of such officers and their
individual contributions to the Company’s success.
Messrs. Carl H. Lindner III and S. Craig Lindner each assumed the additional position of
Co-Chief Executive Officer in January 2005 and continued to serve as the Company’s Co-Presidents,
positions they have held for more than five years. Each CEO’s role has been clearly defined: Carl
H. Lindner III is responsible for the Company’s property and casualty insurance operations and
investor relations and S. Craig Lindner is responsible for the Company’s annuity and supplemental
health insurance operations and investments. In addition, they work closely with one another and
are significantly involved in all aspects of Company management so that either could succeed the
other in the event such a need arose. We believe that this structure aids in succession planning
and provides the Company with significant executive depth and leadership experience appropriate for
the Company. For 2006, the Company paid each Co-CEO $1,075,000 in salary, which represents an
increase of 8.6% over the $990,000 annual salary paid since 2002. The Committee increased the base
salaries of the Co-CEOs because such salaries had not increased in five years, and in response to
the record core net operating earnings reported by the Company for the fiscal year ending December
31, 2005; such core net operating earnings were up 38% from the prior fiscal year and exceeded
previously announced earnings guidance even though 2005 was considered by some to be the costliest
year ever for the insurance industry. The Committee based its decision to increase the salaries of
the Co-CEOs also as a result of the strong operating results and capital position of the Company at
the end of 2005 with improved leverage and financial flexibility. Shareholders’ equity (excluding
unrealized gains on fixed maturities) at the end of 2005 was 9% above year-end 2004 with a debt to
capital ratio of 27%, in line with the Company’s targeted objective for that year.
The increase in annual salaries for the other NEOs increased from the 2005 levels as follows:
for Mr. Jensen $525,000 to $565,000, a 7.6% increase; for Mr. Evans $990,000 to $1,043,000, a 5.4%
increase; and for Mr. Mischell $515,000 to $531,000, a 3.1% increase. These increases were made as
the result of each NEO’s role in the execution of the strategy to manage AFG’s business to enhance
long-term investor value through better profit margins and higher returns on equity, their actions
to ensure that AFG has a strong capital structure and cash flow, their role in leading AFG to solid
financial results, and their leadership in realizing cost savings while, at the same time, driving
successful growth initiatives.
Annual Performance-Based Bonuses
Annual performance-based cash bonuses are designed to reward the positive performance of AFG
as compared to AFG’s performance in prior years and its performance versus other companies in its
market segment. The Company believes that the overall performance of AFG is substantially related
to the performance of its executives. Cash bonuses are paid each year, generally in the first
quarter, for the prior year’s performance.
As has been the case for more than six years, the Compensation Committee, working with
management, developed an annual bonus plan for 2006 for the Co-CEOs and other NEOs that made a
substantial portion of their 2006 compensation dependent on AFG’s performance. Specifically, annual
bonus determinations are based on a two-part analysis of AFG and executive performance.
In February 2006, the Committee approved two bonus plans: the 2006 Co-Chief Executive Officer
Annual Bonus Plan (the “2006 Co-CEO Bonus Plan”) and the Senior Executive Bonus Plan (“2006 NEO
Bonus Plan”).
2006 Co-CEO Bonus Plan Components and Bonus Amounts
Under the 2006 Co-CEO Bonus Plan, the aggregate amount of cash bonus for 2006 for each Co-CEO
is comprised of the sum of such Co-CEO’s bonuses for the EPS Components and Company Performance
Components. The following table sets forth the Co-CEO 2006 bonus target amounts with respect to
the performance components that were recommended by the Compensation Committee and approved by the
Company’s Board of Directors.
Company |
Total Bonus |
Performance |
Name |
Target |
EPS Component |
Component |
Carl H. Lindner, III |
$ |
1,150,000 |
50 |
% |
50 |
% |
S. Craig Lindner |
$ |
1,150,000 |
50 |
% |
50 |
% |
The Committee increased the 2006 bonus target by $150,000, or 15%, over the 2005 bonus
target in response to the record core net operating earnings reported by the Company for the fiscal
year ending December 31, 2005, as discussed above.
1. EPS Component
Pursuant to the 2006 Co-CEO Bonus Plan, each participant’s EPS Component ranged from $0 up to
$1,006,250 (175% of the dollar amount of the Bonus Target allocated to the EPS Component), based on
the following levels of reported earnings per common share from insurance operations (“Operating
EPS” described below) achieved by the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries for 2006:
Percentage of Bonus Target to be paid for |
Operating EPS |
EPS Component |
Less than $2.53 |
0 |
$2.73 |
100 |
% |
$2.93 or more |
175 |
% |
The 2006 Co-CEO Bonus Plan provides that 100% of the EPS Component of the bonus
($575,000) must be paid if Operating EPS were $2.73 per share. The plan further provides that if
the Company’s Operating EPS were above $2.53 but less than $2.73 or above $2.73 but less than
$2.93, the EPS Component of the bonus is to be determined by straight-line interpolation. If
Operating EPS is $2.93 or more, 175% of the EPS Component of the bonus is to be paid. The 2006
Co-CEO Bonus Plan provides that Operating EPS does not include investee results, realized gains and
losses in the investment portfolio and unusual or non-recurring items. Further, any charge taken as
a result of a study of asbestos, environmental and other mass torts was to be considered a
non-recurring item.
For 2006, AFG reported Operating EPS of $3.14. As a result, the Committee concluded that a
bonus of $1,006,250 (175% of the $575,000 bonus target allocated to the EPS Component) must be paid
to each Co-CEO under the EPS Component of the 2006 Co-CEO Bonus Plan. AFG’s reported net earnings,
determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, include certain significant
items that are not included in Operating EPS, such as major gains from real estate sales, realized
investment gains or losses, asbestos and environmental changes and certain other items.
2. Company Performance Component
Payment of fifty percent (50%) of the $1,150,000 bonus target is based on AFG’s overall
performance, as subjectively determined by the Committee, after considering certain factors
determined at the time of adoption of the 2006 Co-CEO Bonus Plan. The 2006 Co-CEO Bonus Plan
provides that each participant’s bonus allocated to the Company Performance Component will range
from $0 up to $1,006,250 (175% of the $575,000 bonus target allocated to the Company Performance
Component). The Committee considered all factors deemed relevant, including financial,
non-financial and strategic factors, in determining whether to grant and/or how much to grant under
the Company Performance Component. Specifically, pursuant to the terms of the 2006 Co-CEO Bonus
Plan, the Committee considered these factors, which could impact long-term shareholder value:
(i) Financial measurements such as return on equity, per share price of the
Company’s common stock relative to prior periods and comparable companies as well as
financial markets, status of credit ratings on outstanding debt and claims paying
ability of the Company’s subsidiaries, status of the Company’s debt-to-capital
ratio, the combined ratios of the Company’s insurance subsidiaries, and investment
portfolio performance including realized gains and losses; and
(ii) Other operational, qualitative measurements relating to the development and
implementation of strategic initiatives, responses to unexpected developments, the
development of management personnel, the results of any re-examination of asbestos,
environmental and other tort liabilities, and the impact of any extraordinary
transactions involving or affecting the Company and its subsidiaries.
Consistent with the consideration of these factors, the Committee noted the Company’s record
core net operating earnings for 2006 were up 29% over the Company’s record 2005 results. The
Committee also noted that the Co-CEOs’ persistent focus on financial and pricing discipline and
profitable growth, coupled with the Company’s investment expertise, contributed to the consistent
improvement in the Company’s operating performance over the past several years. The Committee also
noted that the Company generated additional income through opportunistic real estate sales,
including the sale of certain New York assets and a hotel/resort property for after-tax gains of
$29 million and $26 million, respectively.
In addition, the Committee considered that during 2006, the Company’s book value per share
grew, the return on equity increased and our specialty property & casualty combined ratio goal was
exceeded. The Committee also noted that the total return of AFG common stock was 42.4%,
outperforming the S&P 500 (15.8% total return) and S&P Property & Casualty Insurance Stock Indices
(12.8% return), and the Company’s investment portfolio continued to outperform industry benchmarks.
The Committee considered these factors and determined that a bonus of $1,006,250 (175% of the
$575,000 bonus target allocated to the Company Performance Component) was appropriate.
2006 NEO Bonus Plan Components and Bonus Amounts
The 2006 NEO Bonus Plan provides bonuses comprised of the sum of NEO bonuses for EPS
Components and Individual Performance Components. The following table sets forth the NEO bonus
target amounts and performance criteria that were reviewed by the Compensation Committee.
Individual |
Total Bonus |
Performance |
Name |
Target |
EPS Component |
Component |
James E. Evans |
$ |
850,000 |
25 |
% |
75 |
% |
Keith A. Jensen |
$ |
525,000 |
25 |
% |
75 |
% |
Thomas E. Mischell |
$ |
375,000 |
25 |
% |
75 |
% |
1. EPS Component
The 2006 NEO Bonus Plan contains an EPS Component that ties the payment of any cash bonus
to the performance of the Company as measured by its Operating EPS. For the executive officers
participating in the 2006 NEO Bonus Plan, the EPS Component was set at a maximum of 125% of the
eligible bonus, based on the following levels of reported Operating EPS achieved by the Company and
its consolidated subsidiaries for 2006:
Percentage of Bonus Target to be paid for |
Operating EPS |
EPS Component |
Less than $2.53 |
0 |
$2.73 |
100 |
% |
$2.93 or more |
125 |
% |
The 2006 NEO Bonus Plan provides that 100% of the EPS Component of the respective bonuses
to the NEOs be paid if Operating EPS were $2.73 per share. The plan further provides that if
Operating EPS were above $2.53 but less than $2.73 or above $2.73 but less than $2.93, the EPS
Component of the bonus is to be determined by straight-line interpolation. If Operating EPS are
$2.93 or more, 125% of the EPS Component of the bonus is to be paid. The 2006 NEO Bonus Plan
provides that Operating EPS does not include investee results, realized gains and losses in the
investment portfolio and unusual or non-recurring items. Further, any charge taken as a result of a
study of asbestos, environmental and other mass torts is to be considered a non-recurring item.
For 2006, AFG reported Operating EPS of $3.14. As a result, under the EPS Component of the
2006 NEO Bonus Plan, bonuses were paid to NEOs as follows: $265,625 to Mr. Evans; $164,062 to Mr.
Jensen; and $117,187 to Mr. Mischell.
2. Individual Performance Component
Under the 2006 NEO Bonus Plan each NEO’s bonus allocated to the Individual Performance
Component will range from 0% up to 125% of the target amount allocated to the Individual
Performance Component and was determined by the Co-Chief Executive Officers based on such officers’
subjective rating of the NEO’s relative overall performance for 2006. The ratings for each of the
NEOs includes a consideration of all factors deemed relevant, including, but not limited to,
operational, qualitative measurements relating to the development and implementation of strategic
initiatives and annual objectives, responses to unexpected developments, the development of
management personnel, and the impact of any extraordinary transactions involving or affecting the
Company and its subsidiaries. The Co-CEOs considered these factors, including the respective roles
of the NEOs with respect to the consistent improvement in the Company’s operating performance over
the past several years and determined that the following bonuses should be paid on the basis of the
maximum 125% target: $1,062,500 to Mr. Evans; $656,250 to Mr. Jensen; and $468,750 to Mr. Mischell.
Long-Term Equity Incentive Compensation
The Committee believes long-term equity incentive compensation encourages management to focus
on long-term Company performance and provides an opportunity for executive officers and certain
designated key employees to increase their stake in the Company through stock option grants that
vest over time. The Committee believes that stock options and stock awards represent an important
part of AFG’s performance-based compensation system. The Committee believes that AFG shareholders’
interests are well served by aligning AFG’s senior executives’ interests with those of its
shareholders through the grant of stock options and stock awards. In determining the size of
overall annual grants, the Committee takes into consideration the possible dilutive effect to
shareholders of the additional shares which may be issued upon exercise of stock-based awards as
well as the expense to AFG as stock-based awards vest. The Committee believes that several
features present in stock based awards give recipients substantial incentive to maximize AFG’s
long-term success. Specifically, options under AFG’s 2005 Stock Incentive Plan are granted at
exercise prices equal to the average of the high and low sales prices reported on the New York
Stock Exchange of AFG common stock on the date of grant. Additionally, the Committee believes that
because the stock options vest at the rate of 20% per year, it promotes executive retention due to
the forfeiture of options that have not fully vested upon departure from AFG.
Stock option award levels are determined based on award amounts for participants from previous
years, market data, including award levels to optionees at other insurance companies, Black
Scholes-derived information, the expense of such options to AFG, the relative benefits to
participants of such expense, and the overall compensation level of such participants. Stock
option grants vary among participants based on their positions within the Company and AFG believes
that the consideration of the factors identified in the immediately preceding sentence results in
reasonable option grant levels to its NEOs and other employees. Options granted to NEOs are set
forth in the Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table on page 23.
Stock options are generally granted at a regularly scheduled Compensation Committee meeting in
February of each year after AFG issues a press release announcing results of the recently ended
fiscal year. Other than pursuant to the 2005 Stock Incentive Plan, which provides that the
exercise price is determined by the average of the high and low sales prices of AFG common stock
reported on the NYSE, the Committee does not grant options with an exercise price that is less than
the closing price of the Company’s Common Stock on the grant date, nor does it grant options which
are priced on a date other than the grant date. Prior to the exercise of an option, the holder has
no rights as a stockholder with respect to the shares subject to such option, including voting
rights and the right to receive dividends or dividend equivalents.
The Company’s 2005 Stock Incentive Plan provides that a stock award may be granted to any
eligible employee for past services, or for any other valid purpose as determined by the
Compensation Committee. Such a stock award represents shares that are issued without restrictions
on transfer and free of forfeiture conditions except as otherwise provided in such Plan. The
Compensation Committee exercised its discretion under this Plan and on March 8, 2007, granted
(effective that day) each Co-CEO 57,297 shares of AFG common stock (the number of shares of each
grant being determined as $2,000,000 divided by a trailing ten-day average price of the Company’s
common stock and having a fair market value on of the date of grant of approximately $1,932,341).
This award is also set forth in the Summary Compensation Table below on page 21. The Compensation
Committee granted this award as bonus compensation in response to the Company’s record net earnings
for 2006. The Compensation Committee believes that the record results and operating earnings
increase of 29% from the previous record 2005 amount represents superior company performance and
merits the Co-CEOs this extraordinary element of compensation. The Company Performance Component
factors discussed in connection with the cash bonus amounts above were also considered by the
Compensation Committee in connection with this stock grant to the Co-CEOs.
Stock Ownership Guidelines
AFG’s Board adopted executive stock ownership guidelines because it believes that it is in the
best interests of AFG and its shareholders to align the financial interests of its executives and
certain other officers of the Company and its principal subsidiaries with those of AFG’s
shareholders. AFG’s Board also adopted such guidelines because it believes that the investment
community values stock ownership by such officers and that share ownership demonstrates a
commitment to and belief in the long-term profitability of AFG. Under the guidelines AFG’s Co-CEOs
are required to own an amount of AFG common stock which is equal to or exceeds five times their
annual base salary; other NEOs and certain other officers and senior officers of the Company’s
major subsidiaries (in excess of 40 executives) are required to own an amount of AFG common stock
which is equal to or exceeds their annual base salary. Generally, persons subject to the
guidelines are required to achieve the applicable ownership guideline by January 1, 2011.
Retirement and Other Related Benefits
The Company provides retirement benefits to NEOs through a combination of qualified (under the
Internal Revenue Code) and non-qualified plans. AFG provides retirement benefits to qualified
employees through the AFG Retirement and Savings Plan (“RASP”), a defined contribution plan. AFG
makes all contributions to the retirement fund portion of the plan and matches a percentage of
employee contributions to the savings fund. The amount of such contributions and matching payments
are based on a percentage of the employee’s salary up to certain thresholds. AFG also makes
available to certain employees benefits in its Nonqualified Auxiliary RASP (“Auxiliary RASP”). The
purpose of the Auxiliary RASP is to enable employees whose contributions in the retirement
contribution portion of the RASP are limited by IRS regulations to have an additional benefit to
the RASP.
The Company also maintains a Deferred Compensation Plan pursuant to which certain employees of
AFG and its subsidiaries (currently those paid $100,000 or more annually) may defer up to 80% of
their annual salary and/or bonus. For 2006, participants could elect to have the value of
deferrals (i) earn a fixed rate of interest, set annually by the Board of Directors (51/4% in 2006),
or (ii) fluctuate based on the market value of AFG Common Stock, as adjusted to reflect stock
splits, distributions, dividends, and a 71/2% match to participant deferrals. The deferral term of
either a fixed number of years or upon termination of employment must be elected at the time of
deferral. Under the plan, no federal or state income taxes are paid on deferred compensation.
Rather, such taxes will be due upon receipt at the end of the deferral period. The Nonqualified
Deferred Compensation Table on page 25 discloses compensation earned in connection with the
Deferred Compensation Plan.
Perquisites and Other Personal Benefits
Perquisites, such as insurance coverage, security services, certain meals and tickets,
personal office staff, and the personal use of corporate aircraft, are made available to AFG’s
executive officers. These benefits are described below and the estimated costs to the Company of
such benefits are included in the All Other Compensation table below on page 22. The Committee and
the Co-CEOs agreed to limit the benefit attributable to the Co-CEOs personal use of corporate
aircraft and insurance coverage. See “Tally Sheet” discussion above.
During 2006, as in prior years, the Company operated corporate aircraft used for the business
travel of senior management of the Company and its subsidiaries. The Board has encouraged the use
of corporate aircraft for the travel needs of the Company’s Chairman of the Board and Co-Chief
Executive Officers, including personal travel, in order to minimize and more efficiently utilize
their travel time, protect the confidentiality of their travel and the Company’s business, and to
enhance their personal security. Notwithstanding, the Committee and the Chairman of the Board and
Co-CEOs jointly acknowledge that such aircraft use is a personal benefit, and as such, the
Committee considers the cost to the Company of such use to be an element of the total compensation
paid to these individuals.
The Committee believes these perquisites to be reasonable, comparable with peer companies and
consistent with the Company’s overall executive compensation program.
The Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed the Compensation Discussion and Analysis
required by Item 402(b) of Regulation S-K with management. Based on these reviews and discussions,
the Compensation Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that the Compensation Discussion
and Analysis be included in the Company’s proxy statement on Schedule 14A.
Members of the Compensation Committee:
William R. Martin (Chairman) |
William W. Verity |
Kenneth C. Ambrecht |
The following table summarizes the aggregate compensation paid or earned by each of the named
executive officers for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2006. Such compensation includes amounts
paid by AFG and its subsidiaries and certain affiliates for the years indicated. Bonuses are for
the year shown, regardless of when paid. AFG has no employment agreements with the named executive
Change in |
Pension Value |
and |
Non-Equity |
Nonqualified |
Incentive Plan |
Deferred |
Option |
Com- |
Compensation |
All Other |
Salary |
Stock Awards |
Awards |
pensation |
Earnings |
Compensation |
Total |
Name and Principal Position |
Year |
($) (1) |
($) |
($) (3) |
($) |
($) (6) |
($) (7) |
($) |
Carl H. Lindner III
2006 |
$ |
1,075,000 |
$ |
1,932,341 |
(2) |
$ |
453,000 |
2,012,500 |
(4) |
— |
$ |
1,533,862 |
$ |
7,006,703 |
Co-Chief Executive Officer and
Co-President (Co-Principal
Executive Officer) |
S. Craig Lindner
2006 |
1,075,000 |
1,932,341 |
(2) |
453,000 |
2,012,500 |
(4) |
— |
1,259,078 |
6,731,919 |
Co-Chief Executive Officer and
Co-President (Co-Principal
Executive Officer) |
Keith A. Jensen
2006 |
565,000 |
— |
330,000 |
656,250 |
(5) |
$ |
24,430 |
164,197 |
1,739,877 |
Senior Vice President
(Principal Financial Officer) |
James E. Evans
2006 |
1,043,000 |
— |
412,000 |
1,062,500 |
(5) |
— |
982,315 |
3,499,815 |
Senior Vice President and
General Counsel |
Thomas E. Mischell
2006 |
531,000 |
— |
288,000 |
468,750 |
(5) |
— |
993,802 |
2,281,552 |
Senior Vice President – Taxes |
(1) |
Amounts shown are not reduced to reflect the Named Executive Officers’ elections, if
any, to defer receipt of salary into the Deferred Compensation Plan. |
(2) |
Amounts represent the value of a discretionary award made by the Compensation Committee
under the 2005 Stock Incentive Plan and paid to the Co-Chief Executive Officers in the form
of AFG common stock, as further described in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis
section on page 18 of this proxy statement. |
(3) |
Amount represents the dollar amount recognized for financial statement reporting
purposes with respect to fiscal year 2006 in accordance with FAS 123R. A discussion of the
assumptions used in calculating these values may be found in Note I on page F-18 to
Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed March 1, 2007. |
(4) |
Amount represents payment for 2006 performance made in March 2007 under the 2006
Co-Chief Executive Officer Annual Bonus Plan as further described in the Compensation
Discussion and Analysis section on page 15 of this proxy statement. As these bonus
payments were made pursuant to a performance-based annual bonus plan, no separate bonus
column appears in the table. |
(5) |
Amount represents payment for 2006 performance made in April 2007 under the Senior
Executive Bonus Plan as further described in the Compensation Discussion & Analysis section
on page 17 of this proxy statement. As these bonus payments were made pursuant to a
performance-based annual bonus plan, no separate bonus column appears in the table. |
(6) |
Represents a $21,840 Company match to Mr. Jensen’s 2006 deferral under the Deferred
Compensation Plan, and $2,590 of “above market” earnings on his deferrals. |
(7) |
See All Other Compensation chart below for amounts, which includes perquisites, Company
or subsidiary contributions or allocations under the (i) defined contribution retirement
plans and (ii) employee savings plan in which the named executive officers participate (and
related accruals for their benefit under the Company’s benefit equalization plan which
generally makes up certain reductions caused by Internal
Revenue Code limitations in the Company’s contributions to certain of the Company’s
retirement plans) and Company paid group life insurance. |
C.H. Lindner III |
S.C. Lindner |
K.A. Jensen |
J.E. Evans |
T.E. Mischell |
Item |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
Group life insurance |
$ |
2,622 |
$ |
2,622 |
$ |
4,814 |
$ |
7,423 |
$ |
4,902 |
Insurance (Auto/Home Executive Insurance
Program) |
261,749 |
220,525 |
7,118 |
0 |
11,019 |
Aircraft Usage (1) |
236,898 |
163,918 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Car and Related Expenses |
3,360 |
5,451 |
4,320 |
2,640 |
2,640 |
Security Services |
19,893 |
19,893 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Meals and Entertainment |
13,000 |
13,950 |
4,000 |
1,850 |
1,000 |
Lodging |
3,099 |
0 |
1,978 |
0 |
0 |
Service Award bonus (2) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1,104 |
0 |
Administrative/Secretarial Services |
73,920 |
105,268 |
16,050 |
19,530 |
18,125 |
Clubs (Initiation, Dues, Expenses) |
0 |
0 |
1,239 |
1,239 |
2,056 |
Annual RASP Contribution |
11,000 |
11,000 |
11,000 |
11,000 |
11,000 |
Annual Auxiliary RASP Contribution |
39,000 |
39,000 |
39,000 |
39,000 |
37,383 |
Annual RASP & Auxiliary RASP Plan Earnings |
869,321 |
677,451 |
74,678 |
898,529 |
905,677 |
Totals |
$ |
1,533,862 |
$ |
1,259,078 |
$ |
164,197 |
$ |
982,315 |
$ |
993,802 |
(1) |
The Board of Directors has encouraged the Company’s Chairman and Co-Chief Executive
Officers to use corporate aircraft for all travel whenever practicable for security and
productivity reasons. On certain occasions, an executive’s spouse or other family members
or guests may also fly on the corporate aircraft. The value of the use of corporate
aircraft is calculated based on the aggregate incremental cost to the Company, including
fuel costs, trip-related maintenance, universal weather-monitoring costs, on-board
catering, landing/ramp fees and other miscellaneous variable costs. Fixed costs which do
not change based on usage, such as pilot salaries, the amortized costs of the company
aircraft, and the cost of maintenance not related to trips, are excluded. Amounts for
personal use of company aircraft are included in the table. The amounts reported utilize a
different valuation methodology than used for income tax purposes, where the cost of the
personal use of corporate aircraft has been calculated using the Standard Industrial Fare
Level (SIFL) tables found in the tax regulations. |
(2) |
Mr. Evans received this award, which is available to all full-time employees, upon
attaining thirty years of service to the Company. |
As described in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis section, the named executive officers
do not have employment, severance or change-in-control agreements with the Company. In addition,
any agreements, plans or arrangements that provide for payments to a named executive officers at,
following, or in connection with any termination (including retirement) of such named executive
officer, do not discriminate in scope, terms or operation in favor of the named executive officer,
and are available generally to all salaried employees. All options granted under the Company’s
shareholder approved plans provide for the acceleration of vesting upon a change in control.
All |
All other Option |
other Stock |
Awards: |
Estimated Future Payouts |
Awards: |
Number of |
Under Non-Equity Incentive Plan |
Number of |
Securities |
Exercise or |
Closing |
Grant Date Fair |
Awards (1) |
Shares of Stock |
Under- |
Base Price of |
Market Price |
Value of Stock |
Grant |
Thresh-old |
Target |
Maximum |
or Units |
lying Options |
Option Awards |
on the Date of |
and Option |
Name |
Date |
($) |
($) |
($) |
(#) |
(#) |
($/Sh) (2)(3) |
Grant |
Awards (4) |
Carl H. Lindner III |
02/22/2006 |
$ |
0 |
$ |
1,150,000 |
$ |
2,012,500 |
— |
82,500 |
$ |
26.89 |
$ |
27.17 |
$ |
548,625 |
S. Craig
Lindner |
02/22/2006 |
0 |
1,150,000 |
2,012,500 |
— |
82,500 |
26.89 |
$ |
27.17 |
548,625 |
Keith A.
Jensen |
02/22/2006 |
0 |
525,000 |
656,250 |
— |
60,000 |
26.89 |
$ |
27.17 |
399,000 |
James E.
Evans |
02/22/2006 |
0 |
850,000 |
1,062,500 |
— |
75,000 |
26.89 |
$ |
27.17 |
498,750 |
Thomas E.
Mischell |
02/22/2006 |
0 |
375,000 |
468,750 |
— |
52,500 |
26.89 |
$ |
27.17 |
349,125 |
(1) |
These columns show the range of payouts targeted for 2006 performance under the
following incentive plans: (i) 2006 Co-Chief Executive Officer Annual Bonus Plan with
respect to the Co-Chief Executive Officers, and (ii) Senior Executive Bonus Plan with
respect to the remaining named executive officers. The payments for 2006 performance have
been made based on the metrics described, at 175% of target with respect to the Co-Chief
Executive Officers, and 125% with respect to the remaining named executive officers. These
amounts are shown in the Summary Compensation Table in the column (e) titled “Stock Awards”
because these awards were recognized in 2006 for financial statement reporting purposes in
accordance with FAS 123R. |
(2) |
These Employee stock options were granted pursuant to the Company’s Stock Option Plan
and become exercisable as to 20% of the shares initially granted on the first anniversary
of the date of grant, with an additional 20% becoming exercisable on each subsequent
anniversary. The options become fully exercisable in the event of death or disability or
within one year after a change in control of the Company. The exercise price has been
adjusted to reflect the Company’s 3 for 2 stock split effected in 2006. More discussion
regarding the Company’s Stock Option Plan can be found in the Compensation Discussion and
Analysis section on page 18 of this proxy statement. |
(3) |
Under the terms of the Company’s Stock Option Plan, stock options are granted at an
exercise price equal to the average of the high and low trading prices on the date of
grant. |
(4) |
Column (l) represents the aggregate FAS 123R values of options granted during the year.
There can be no assurance that the options will ever be exercised (in which case no value
will be realized by the executive) or that the amount received by the executive upon
exercise will equal the FAS 123R value. |
Option Awards (1) |
Equity Incentive |
Plan Awards: |
Number |
Number |
Number of |
of Securities |
of Securities |
Securities |
Underlying |
Underlying |
Underlying |
Unexercised |
Unexercised |
Unexercised |
Options(#) |
Options(#) |
Unearned |
Option Exercise |
Option Grant |
Option Expiration |
Name |
Exercisable |
Unexercisable |
Options(#) |
Price($) |
Date |
Date |
Carl H. Lindner III |
41,131 |
$ |
23.79 |
02/23/1999 |
02/26/2009 |
82,500 |
13.23 |
02/18/2000 |
02/21/2010 |
82,500 |
13.17 |
12/14/2000 |
12/17/2010 |
66,000 |
16,500 |
17.19 |
02/22/2002 |
02/25/2012 |
49,500 |
33,000 |
12.30 |
02/20/2003 |
02/23/2013 |
33,000 |
49,500 |
20.01 |
02/27/2004 |
03/02/2014 |
16,500 |
66,000 |
20.28 |
02/24/2005 |
02/27/2015 |
82,500 |
26.89 |
02/22/2006 |
02/22/2016 |
S. Craig Lindner |
41,131 |
$ |
23.79 |
02/23/1999 |
02/26/2009 |
82,500 |
13.23 |
02/18/2000 |
02/21/2010 |
82,500 |
13.17 |
12/14/2000 |
12/17/2010 |
66,000 |
16,500 |
17.19 |
02/22/2002 |
02/25/2012 |
49,500 |
33,000 |
12.30 |
02/20/2003 |
02/23/2013 |
33,000 |
49,500 |
20.01 |
02/27/2004 |
03/02/2014 |
16,500 |
66,000 |
20.28 |
02/24/2005 |
02/27/2015 |
82,500 |
26.89 |
02/22/2006 |
02/22/2016 |
Keith A. Jensen |
112,500 |
$ |
23.79 |
02/23/1999 |
02/26/2009 |
52,500 |
17.73 |
12/31/1999 |
01/03/2010 |
48,000 |
12,000 |
17.19 |
02/22/2002 |
02/25/2012 |
6,525 |
24,000 |
12.30 |
02/20/2003 |
02/23/2013 |
14,004 |
36,000 |
20.01 |
02/27/2004 |
02/27/2014 |
12,001 |
48,000 |
20.28 |
02/24/2005 |
02/24/2015 |
60,000 |
26.89 |
02/22/2006 |
02/22/2016 |
James E. Evans |
15,000 |
$ |
13.23 |
02/18/2000 |
02/21/2010 |
75,000 |
13.17 |
12/14/2000 |
12/17/2010 |
60,000 |
15,000 |
17.19 |
02/22/2002 |
02/25/2012 |
45,000 |
30,000 |
12.30 |
02/20/2003 |
02/23/2013 |
20,004 |
45,000 |
20.01 |
02/27/2004 |
02/27/2014 |
15,001 |
60,000 |
20.28 |
02/24/2005 |
02/24/2015 |
75,000 |
26.89 |
02/22/2006 |
02/22/2016 |
Thomas E. Mischell |
20,000 |
$ |
25.25 |
03/11/1997 |
03/14/2007 |
30,000 |
28.04 |
03/17/1998 |
03/20/2008 |
45,000 |
23.79 |
02/23/1999 |
02/26/2009 |
52,500 |
13.23 |
02/18/2000 |
02/21/2010 |
52,500 |
13.17 |
12/14/2000 |
12/17/2010 |
42,000 |
10,500 |
17.19 |
02/22/2002 |
02/25/2012 |
31,500 |
21,000 |
12.30 |
02/20/2003 |
02/23/2013 |
21,000 |
31,500 |
20.01 |
02/27/2004 |
02/27/2014 |
10,501 |
42,000 |
20.28 |
02/24/2005 |
02/24/2015 |
52,500 |
26.89 |
02/22/2006 |
02/22/2016 |
(1) |
These employee stock options become exercisable as to 20% of the shares initially
granted on the first anniversary of the date of grant, with an additional 20% becoming
exercisable on each subsequent anniversary. They are generally exercisable for ten years.
The options become fully exercisable in the event of death or disability or within one year
after a change in control of the Company. |
The table below shows the number of shares of AFG common stock acquired during 2006 upon the
exercise of options. No shares were acquired in 2006 by the named executive officers pursuant to
the vesting of stock awards.
Option Awards |
Name |
Number of Shares Acquired on Exercise (#) |
Value Realized on Exercise ($) (1) |
Carl H. Lindner III |
168,869 |
$ |
1,500,008 |
S. Craig Lindner |
168,869 |
1,500,008 |
Keith A. Jensen |
189,471 |
3,225,016 |
James E. Evans |
234,996 |
2,291,707 |
Thomas E. Mischell |
10,000 |
111,667 |
(1) |
Amounts reflect the difference between the exercise price of the option and the market
price at the time of exercise. |
The Company provides retirement benefits to named executive officers through a combination of
qualified (under the Internal Revenue Code) and non-qualified plans. AFG makes available to
certain employees, including its named executive officers, benefits in its Nonqualified Auxiliary
RASP (“Auxiliary RASP”). The purpose of the Auxiliary RASP is to enable employees whose
contributions are limited by IRS regulations in the retirement contribution portion of the AFG
Retirement and Savings Plan to have an additional benefit to the RASP.
The Company also maintains a Deferred Compensation Plan pursuant to which certain key
employees of AFG and its subsidiaries may defer up to 80% of their annual salary and /or bonus.
During 2006, participants could elect to have the value of deferrals (i) earn a fixed rate of
interest, set annually by the Board of Directors (51/4% in 2006), or (ii) fluctuate based on the
market value of AFG Common Stock, as adjusted to reflect stock splits, distributions, dividends,
and a 71/2% match to participant deferrals. Three additional investment alternatives were added in
2007. The deferral term of either a fixed number of years or upon termination of employment must
be elected at the time of deferral. Under the plan, no federal or state income taxes are paid on
deferred compensation. Rather, such taxes will be due upon receipt at the end of the deferral
The table below discloses information on the nonqualified deferred compensation of the named
executives in 2006, including the Auxiliary RASP and the Deferred Compensation Plan. Any amounts
deferred are included in compensation figures disclosed in the Summary Compensation Table on page
21 of this proxy statement.
Registrant |
Executive contributions |
contributions in last FY |
Aggregate earnings in |
Aggregate withdrawals |
Aggregate balances |
Name |
in last FY ($) |
($) (1) |
last FY ($) |
/ distributions ($) |
at last FYE ($) |
Carl H.
Lindner III |
— |
$ |
39,000 |
$ |
210,857 |
— |
$ |
2,683,558 |
S. Craig Lindner |
— |
39,000 |
210,857 |
— |
$ |
1,870,490 |
Keith A.
Jensen |
$ |
582,404 |
63,430 |
200,098 |
($578,245 |
) |
$ |
1,317,860 |
James E.
Evans |
— |
39,000 |
556,306 |
— |
$ |
3,038,029 |
Thomas E.
Mischell |
— |
37,383 |
— |
— |
$ |
1,344,889 |
(1) |
Represents Company contributions credited to participants’ Auxiliary RASP accounts which
are included in All Other Compensation in the Summary Compensation Table on page 21, and
includes, with respect to Mr. Jensen, $24,430 of preferential earnings or above market
earnings on deferred compensation which is reported under Change in Pension Value and
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings in that table. |
In early 2004, the Board of Directors adopted the Company’s Non-Employee Director Compensation
Plan, which was then approved at the 2004 annual meeting of shareholders.
During 2006, under the Plan, all directors who were not officers or employees of the Company
were paid the following fees: an annual board retainer of $30,000 and $1,750 per each board meeting
attended. The Audit Committee Chairman received a $20,000 retainer. Other committee Chairmen
received a $12,000 annual retainer. The members (non-chairman) received a $6,000 annual retainer
for each committee served. All committee members received $1,250 for each meeting attended.
Non-employee directors who become directors during the year receive a pro rata portion of these
annual retainers. In addition, non-employee directors receive an annual award of stock worth
Compensation earned for director service in 2006 is set forth in the following table. Other
than the restricted stock grants, all amounts were paid in cash.
Change in |
Pension Value |
and |
Nonqualified |
Fees Earned |
Stock |
Option |
Deferred |
All Other |
or Paid in |
Awards |
Awards |
Compensation |
Compensation |
Total |
Name |
Cash ($) (1) |
($) (3) |
($) (4) |
Earnings |
($) |
($) |
Carl H. Lindner |
$ |
130,000 |
(2) |
— |
— |
— |
$ |
406,770 |
(5) |
$ |
536,770 |
Kenneth C. Ambrecht |
174,500 |
$ |
73,016 |
— |
— |
— |
247,516 |
Theodore H. Emmerich |
93,250 |
73,016 |
— |
— |
— |
166,266 |
Terry S. Jacobs |
81,500 |
73,016 |
— |
— |
— |
154,516 |
William R. Martin |
209,250 |
73,016 |
— |
— |
— |
282,266 |
William W. Verity |
88,750 |
73,016 |
— |
— |
— |
161,766 |
(1) |
Includes the total amounts paid for service as a director of any subsidiaries of the
Company as follows: Mr. Ambrecht -$103,000; Mr. Emmerich — $11,250; Mr. Martin — $121,750;
and Mr. Verity — $11,250. |
(2) |
In January 2005, Carl H. Lindner stepped down as Chief Executive Officer of the
Company, but remained the non-executive Chairman of the Board. Mr. Lindner has requested
that his annual salary be no more than the compensation paid to the Company’s independent
directors. The Compensation Committee has set his salary at $130,000 and approved all
other compensation and perquisites received by him. |
(3) |
Calculated as the compensation cost for financial statement reporting purposes with
respect to the annual stock grant under the Company’s Non-Employee Director Compensation
Plan. The following table of AFG common stock held includes the aggregate stock awards
held by each director as of December 31, 2006: |
Aggregate Shares of |
Director Name |
Common Stock Held |
Carl H. Lindner |
13,215,937 |
Kenneth C. Ambrecht |
5,352 |
Theodore H. Emmerich |
33,661 |
Terry S. Jacobs |
23,242 |
William R. Martin |
86,612 |
William W. Verity |
11,665 |
(4) |
The following table sets forth the aggregate option awards held by each director as of
December 31, 2006: |
Director Name |
Aggregate Stock Options Held |
Carl H. Lindner |
— |
Kenneth C. Ambrecht |
— |
Theodore H. Emmerich |
17,250 |
Terry S. Jacobs |
— |
William R. Martin |
17,250 |
William W. Verity |
11,250 |
(5) |
Amount includes the following: aircraft usage, $45,800; security, $79,570; meals and
entertainment, $46,000; insurance (auto/home), $97,600; administrative/secretarial
services, $92,300; and annual RASP contribution, group life insurance, automobile related
expenses and club dues. The value of the use of corporate aircraft is calculated based on
the aggregate incremental cost to the Company, including fuel costs, trip-related
maintenance, universal weather-monitoring costs, on-board catering, landing/ramp fees and
other miscellaneous variable costs. Fixed costs which do not change based on usage, such
as pilot salaries, the amortized costs of the company aircraft, and the cost of maintenance
not related to trips, are excluded. |
Director Stock Ownership Guidelines
The Plan also sets forth stock ownership guidelines for the non-employee directors.
Specifically, within three years after a non-employee director receives the first restricted stock
award under the Plan, such non-employee director, as a consideration in the determination of his or
her future service to AFG’s Board of Directors, is required to beneficially own a minimum number of
shares of AFG common stock, the value of which shall be equal to six times the then-current annual
board retainer.
Board Retirement Program
Until 2003, the Board of Directors had a program under which a retiring non-employee director,
who is at least 55 years old and has served as a director for at least four years, would receive
upon retirement an amount equal to five times the then current annual board retainer. In 2003, the
Board of Directors terminated the plan, except as it applied to those directors then eligible,
Messrs. Martin and Emmerich. In early 2006, the Company, upon the recommendation of the Governance
Committee and at the request of Messrs. Martin and Emmerich, terminated the plan entirely.
From time to time, the Company has transacted business with affiliates. The financial terms
of these transactions are comparable to those which would apply to unrelated parties.
As noted above, under board policy, for security reasons the Company aircraft is made
available to the Company’s Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officers for all travel. During 2006,
an AFG subsidiary owned a 29% interest in an aircraft, the remaining interests in which were owned
by Carl H. Lindner and his two brothers. This aircraft was sold in December 2006. Each owner was
committed to use and pay for a minimum number of flight hours. Capital costs and fixed operating
costs were allocated generally in proportion to ownership; variable operating costs were allocated
generally in proportion to usage. Mr. Lindner assigned his usage to the AFG subsidiary along with
the obligation to pay for allocated operating costs, but Mr. Lindner continued to pay allocated
capital costs. Total charges paid by AFG for use of this aircraft during 2006 were $805,300.
Certain stock exchange rules require the Company to conduct an appropriate review of all
related party transactions (those required to be disclosed by the Company pursuant to SEC
Regulation S-K Item 404) for potential conflict of interest situations on an ongoing basis and that
all such transactions must be approved by the Audit Committee or another committee comprised of
independent directors. As a result, the Audit Committee annually reviews all such related party
transactions and approves such related party transactions only if it determines that it is in the
best interests of the Company. In considering the transaction, the Committee may consider all
relevant factors, including as applicable (i) the Company’s business rationale for entering into
the transaction; (ii) the alternatives to entering into a related person transaction; (iii) whether
the transaction is on terms comparable to those available to third parties, or in the case of
employment relationships, to employees generally; (iv) the potential for the transaction to lead to
an actual or apparent conflict of interest and any safeguards imposed to prevent such actual or
apparent conflicts; and (vi) the overall fairness of the transaction to the Company.
The Company’s Board of Directors held nine meetings in 2006. The Board has an Audit
Committee, a Compensation Committee, and a Corporate Governance Committee. The charters for each
of these Committees as well as the Company’s Corporate Governance Guidelines are available at and upon written request to the Company’s Secretary, the address of whom is set
forth under “Communications with Directors” on page 32.
Compensation Committee: The Compensation Committee acts on behalf of the Board of Directors
and by extension the shareholders to establish, implement and continually monitor adherence with
the Company’s compensation philosophy. The Committee ensures that the total compensation paid to
the named executive officers is fair, reasonable and competitive.
The Compensation Committee also acts as the oversight committee with respect to the Company’s
deferred compensation plans, stock option plans, and bonus plans covering senior executive
officers. In overseeing those plans, the committee may delegate authority for day-to-day
administration and interpretation of the plan, including selection of participants, determination
of award levels within plan parameters, and approval of award documents, to officers of the
Company. However, the Committee may not delegate any authority under those plans for matters
affecting the compensation and benefits of the Company’s Co-Chief Executive Officers.
The Compensation Committee consulted among themselves and with management informally
throughout the year, and met five times in 2006. The primary processes for establishing and
overseeing executive compensation can be found in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis section
on page 12 of this proxy statement.
Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
None of the members of AFG’s Compensation Committee:
• |
has ever been an officer or employee of the Company; |
• |
is or was a participant in any “related person” transaction in 2006 (see the
section titled “Related Person Transactions” in this proxy statement for a
description of our policy on related person transactions) |
• |
is an executive officer of another entity, at which one of our executive
officers serves on the board of directors. No Named Executive Officer of the
Company serves as a director or as a member of a committee of any company of which
any of the Company’s non-employee directors are executive officers. |
Audit Committee: The Audit Committee met 13 times in 2006. The Company’s Board has
determined that each of the Audit Committee’s members, namely, Theodore H. Emmerich, William R.
Martin and Terry S. Jacobs, is an audit committee financial expert as defined under SEC Regulation
S-K Item 407(d). Each of Messrs. Emmerich, Martin and Jacobs satisfies the NYSE and NASDAQ
independence standards.
Corporate Governance Committee: The Corporate Governance Committee met six times in 2006.
The Governance Committee is responsible for, among other things, establishing criteria for
selecting new directors, identifying individuals qualified to be Board members as needed, and
recommending to the Board director nominees for the next annual meeting of shareholders. The
charter of the Governance Committee is available at the Company’s website, The
Committee is comprised of members who are “independent” as defined under New York Stock Exchange
(“NYSE”) and NASDAQ listing standards. Information regarding the consideration by the Governance
Committee of any director candidates recommended by shareholders can be found in the Nominations
and Shareholder Proposals section on page 31 of this proxy statement.
Director Attendance Policy
AFG expects its directors to attend meetings of shareholders. All of AFG’s directors attended
last year’s meeting.
Executive Sessions
NYSE and NASDAQ rules require non-management directors to meet regularly in executive
sessions. Five of these sessions were held during 2006. The non-management directors select one
of such directors to preside over each session. Shareholders and other interested parties may
communicate with any of the non-management directors, individually or as a group, by following the
procedures set forth on page 32.
Audit Committee Report
The Audit Committee is comprised of three directors, each of whom is experienced with
financial statements and has past accounting or related financial management experience. Each of
the members of the Audit Committee is independent as defined by the NYSE listing standards. The
Board has determined that each of the three members of the Audit Committee is an “audit committee
financial expert” as defined in Securities and Exchange Commission regulations. A copy of the
Audit Committee Charter is posted at
The primary function of the Audit Committee is to assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight
responsibilities by reviewing the financial information which will be provided to shareholders and
others, the systems of internal control which management has established, and the audit process.
The members of the Committee are Theodore H. Emmerich (Chairman), William R. Martin and Terry S.
Management is responsible for the Company’s internal controls and the financial reporting
process. The independent accountants are responsible for performing an independent audit of the
Company’s consolidated financial statements in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards and issuing a report thereon. The Committee’s responsibility is to monitor and oversee
these processes. Additionally, the Audit Committee engages the Company’s independent accountants
who report directly to the Committee.
The Committee has met and held discussions with management and the independent accountants.
Management represented to the Committee that the Company’s consolidated financial statements were
prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and the Committee has
reviewed and discussed the consolidated financial statements with management and the independent
accountants. The Committee discussed with the independent accountants the matters required to be
discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61 (Communications with Audit Committees).
The Company’s independent accountants also provided to the Committee the written disclosures
and the letter required by Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1 (Independence Discussions
with Audit Committees) and disclosures required by the Audit Committee Charter, and the Committee
discussed with independent accountants that firm’s independence. As part of its discussions, the
Committee determined that Ernst & Young LLP was independent of AFG.
Based on the Committee’s discussions with management and the independent accountants and the
Committee’s review of the representation of management and the report of the independent
accountants to the Committee, the Committee recommended that the audited consolidated financial
statements be included in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31,
2006 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Members of the Audit Committee
Theodore H. Emmerich, Chairman |
William R. Martin |
Terry S. Jacobs |
Audit Committee Pre-Approval Policies
The Audit Committee has adopted policies that require its approval for any audit and non-audit
services to be provided to AFG. The Audit Committee delegated authority to the Committee Chairman
to approve certain non-audit services. Pursuant to these procedures and delegation of authority,
the Audit Committee was informed of and approved all of the audit and other services described
above. No services were provided with respect to the de minimus waiver process provided by rules of
the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Independence Determinations
In accordance with NYSE and NASDAQ rules, the Board affirmatively determines the independence
of each director and nominee for election as a director in accordance with guidelines it has
adopted, which guidelines are in compliance with the listing standards set forth by the NYSE and
NASDAQ. The Company’s Director Independence Standards are available on the Company’s website at Where the NYSE and NASDAQ rules on director independence conflict, the Company’s
Standards adopt the applicable rule which is more stringent to the Director and the Company. Based
on these standards, at its meeting held on May 18, 2006, the Board determined that each of the
following non-employee directors, namely Messrs. Ambrecht, Emmerich, Jacobs, Martin, and Verity is
independent and has no relationship with the Company, except as a director and shareholder of the
Messrs. Martin and Ambrecht currently serve as directors of the Company’s subsidiary, Great
American Financial Resources, Inc. Mr. Ambrecht was a Managing Director with First Albany Capital
from July 2004 until December 2005. For more than five years prior to that, Mr. Ambrecht was a
Managing Director with Royal Bank Canada Capital Markets. From time to time, the Company has
purchased or sold securities through these companies in the ordinary course of business, for which
we paid customary commissions or discounts. The amounts involved were deemed by AFG’s Board of
Directors not to be material in amount.
In accordance with the Company’s Code of Regulations (the “Regulations”), the only candidates
eligible for election at a meeting of shareholders are candidates nominated by or at the direction
of the Board of Directors and candidates nominated at the meeting by a shareholder who has complied
with the procedures set forth in the Regulations. Shareholders will be afforded a reasonable
opportunity at the meeting to nominate candidates for the office of director. However, the
Regulations require that a shareholder wishing to nominate a director candidate must have first
given the Secretary of the Company at least five and not more than thirty days prior written notice
setting forth or accompanied by (1) the name and residence of the shareholder and of each nominee
specified in the notice, (2) a representation that the shareholder was a holder of record of the
Company’s voting stock and intended to appear, in person or by proxy, at the meeting to nominate
the persons specified in the notice and (3) the consent of each such nominee to serve as director
if so elected. Directors nominated through this process will be considered by the Corporate
Governance Committee.
The proxy card used by AFG for the annual meeting typically grants authority to management to
vote in its discretion on any matters that come before the meeting as to which adequate notice has
not been received. In order for a notice to be deemed adequate for the 2008 annual meeting, it must
be received by March 1, 2008. In order for a proposal to be considered for inclusion in AFG’s proxy
statement for that meeting, it must be received by December 18, 2007.
The Corporate Governance Committee does not have a policy with regard to the consideration of
director candidates recommended by shareholders because Ohio law and the Company’s Code of
Regulations affords shareholders certain rights related to such matters. Nominees for directorship
will be recommended by the Governance Committee in accordance with the principles in its charter
and the Corporate Governance Guidelines also on AFG’s website. When considering an individual
candidate’s suitability for the Board, the Corporate Governance Committee will evaluate each
individual on a case-by-case basis. Although the Committee does not prescribe minimum
qualifications or standards for directors, candidates for Board membership should have the highest
personal and professional integrity, demonstrated exceptional ability and judgment, and
availability and willingness to take the time necessary to properly discharge the duties of a
director. The Committee will make its determinations on whether to nominate an individual based on
the Board’s then-current needs, the merits of each such candidate and the qualifications of other
available candidates. The Committee will have no obligation to respond to shareholders who propose
candidates that it has determined not to nominate for election to the Board, but the Committee may
do so in its sole discretion. All director candidates are evaluated similarly, whether nominated
by the Board or by a shareholder.
The Corporate Governance Committee did not seek, nor did it receive the recommendation of any
of the director candidates named in this proxy statement from any shareholder, non-management
director, executive officer or third-party search firm in connection with its own approval of such
candidates. The Company has not paid any fee to a third party to assist it in identifying or
evaluating nominees.
The Board of Directors has adopted procedures for shareholders to send written communications
to the Board as a group. Such communications must be clearly addressed either to the Board of
Directors or any or all of the non-management directors, and sent to either of the following, who
will forward any communications so received:
James C. Kennedy
Theodore H. Emmerich |
Vice President, Deputy General
Chairman of the Audit Committee |
Counsel & Secretary
American Financial Group, Inc. |
American Financial Group, Inc.
One East Fourth Street |
One East Fourth Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 |
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 |
The Company’s Board of Directors adopted a Code of Ethics applicable to the Company’s
directors, officers and employees. The Code of Ethics is available at and upon
written request to the Company’s Secretary, the address of whom is set forth immediately above.
The Company intends to disclose amendments and any waivers to the Code of Ethics on its website
within four business days after such amendment of waiver.
Annex A
Adopted on April 3, 2007
The purpose of the 2007 Annual Senior Executive Bonus Plan (the “Plan”) is to further the
profitability of American Financial Group, Inc. (the “Company”) to the benefit of the shareholders
of the Company through promoting high levels of corporate performance by including
performance-based compensation as a component of a Plan participant’s annual compensation.
Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, the Plan shall be administered by the
Compensation Committee or a successor committee or subcommittee (the “Committee”) of the Board of
Directors of the Company (the “Board”) composed solely of two or more “outside directors” as
defined pursuant to Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. No member of the Committee while
serving as such shall be eligible to be granted a bonus under the Plan. Subject to the provisions
of the Plan (and to the approval of the Board where specified in the Plan), the Committee shall
have exclusive power to determine the conditions (including performance requirements) to which the
payment of the bonuses may be subject and to certify that performance goals are attained. Subject
to the provisions of the Plan, the Committee shall have the authority to interpret the Plan and
establish, adopt or revise such rules and regulations and to make all determinations relating to
the Plan as it may deem necessary or advisable for the administration of the Plan. The Committee’s
interpretation of the Plan and all of its actions and decisions with respect to the Plan shall be
final, binding and conclusive on all parties.
The term of the Plan is one year, commencing January 1, 2007, which term shall be renewed from
year to year unless and until the Plan shall be terminated or suspended as provided in Section 9.
As used in the Plan the term “Bonus Year” shall mean a calendar year.
Subject to the approval of the Committee, each of the Company’s Co-Chief Executive Officers
and Senior Vice Presidents, if any, shall participate in the Plan (the “Participants”).
The Committee shall approve the individual target amount of bonus (the “Bonus Target”) that
may be awarded to each Participant. In no event shall the establishment of any Participant’s Bonus
Target give a Participant any right to be paid all or any part of such amount unless and until a
bonus is actually awarded pursuant to Section 6.
The Committee shall establish the performance criteria (the “Performance Criteria”) that will
apply to the determination of the bonus of each Participant for that Bonus Year and recommend that
the Board adopt such action. The Bonus Targets and Performance Criteria shall be set forth
annually on Schedules attached to this Plan and shall be recommended by the Committee and approved
by the Board. The Performance Criteria are to be established based on financial measurements and
operational metrics. The financial measurements may include, among other things, return on equity,
per share price of common stock relative to prior periods and comparable companies as well as
financial markets, status of credit ratings on outstanding debt and claims paying ability of the
Company’s subsidiaries, and the status of the Company’s debt-to-capital ratio. The operational
metrics may include
performance goals relating
to, among other things, the combined ratios of the Company’s
insurance subsidiaries, investment portfolio performance including realized gains and losses, as
well as other operational, qualitative measurements relating to the development and implementation
of strategic initiatives and annual objectives, responses to unexpected developments, the
development of management personnel, but generally exclude the results of any announced
re-examination of asbestos, environmental and other tort liabilities, and the impact of any
extraordinary transactions involving or affecting the Company and its subsidiaries.
As soon as practicable after the end of each calendar year during the term of the Plan, the
Committee shall determine whether or not the Performance Criteria of each Participant have been
attained and shall determine the amount of the bonus, if any, to be awarded to each Participant for
such year according to the terms of this Plan. Such bonus determinations shall be based on
achievement of the Performance Criteria for such year. The Committee shall certify in writing that
the Performance Criteria have been achieved prior to payment of any bonus under the Plan.
As a separate element of the Plan, the Committee retains the discretion to pay an amount above
amounts attributable to the achievement of the objective performance goals if the Company
significantly exceeds any of such goals. However, no such payment may increase the amount paid to
a participant above 175% of their bonus target.
Once the bonus is so determined for each Participant, it shall be paid in cash.
If a Participant’s employment with the Company or a subsidiary, as the case may be, is
terminated for any reason other than discharge for cause, he may be entitled to such bonus, if any,
as the Committee, in its sole discretion, may determine.
In the event of a Participant’s discharge for cause from the employment of the Company or a
Subsidiary, as the case may be, he shall not be entitled to any amount of bonus.
A. Government and Other Regulations. The obligation of the Company to make
payment of bonuses shall be subject to all applicable laws, rules and regulations and to
such approvals by governmental agencies as may be required.
B. Tax Withholding. The Company or a Subsidiary, as appropriate, shall have
the right to deduct from all bonuses paid in cash any federal, state or local taxes required
by law to be withheld with respect to such cash payments.
C. Claim to Bonuses and Employment Rights. Neither this Plan nor any action
taken hereunder shall be construed as giving any Participant any right to be retained in the
employ of the Company or a Subsidiary.
D. Beneficiaries. Any bonuses awarded under this Plan to a Participant who
dies prior to payment shall be paid to the beneficiary designated by the Participant on a
form filed with the Company. If no such beneficiary has been designated or survives the
Participant, payment shall be made to the Participant’s legal representative. A beneficiary
designation may be changed or revoked by a Participant at any time provided the change or
revocation is filed with the Company.
E. Nontransferability. A person’s rights and interests under the Plan may not
be assigned, pledged or transferred except, in the event of a Participant’s death, to his
beneficiary as provided in the Plan or, in the absence of such designation, by will or the
laws of descent and distribution.
F. Indemnification. Each person who is or shall have been a member of the
Committee or of the Board shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Company (to the
extent permitted by the Articles of Incorporation and Code of Regulations of the Company and
applicable law) against and from any loss, cost, liability or expense that may be imposed
upon or reasonably incurred by him in connection with or resulting from any claim, action,
suit or proceeding to which he may be a party or in which they may be involved by reason of
any action taken or failure to act under the Plan and against and from any and all amounts
paid by him in settlement thereof, with the Company’s approval, or paid by him, in
satisfaction of judgment in any such action, suit or proceeding against him. He shall give
the Company an opportunity, at its own expense, to handle and defend the same before he
undertakes to handle and defend it on his own behalf. The foregoing right of
indemnification shall not be exclusive of any other rights of indemnification to which such
person may be entitled under the Company’s Articles of Incorporation or Code of Regulations,
as a matter of law or otherwise or of any power that the Company may have to indemnify him
or hold him harmless.
G. Reliance on Reports. Each member of the Committee and each member of the
Board shall be fully justified in relying or acting in good faith upon any report made by
the independent certified public accountants of the Company or of its Subsidiaries or upon
any other information furnished in connection with the Plan by any officer or director of
the Company or any of its Subsidiaries. In no event shall any person who is or shall have
been a member of the Committee or of the Board be liable for any determination made or other
action taken or any omission to act in reliance upon any such report or information or for
any action taken, including the furnishing of information, or failure to act, if in good
H. Expenses. The expenses of administering the Plan shall be borne by the
Company and its subsidiaries in such proportions as shall be agreed upon by them from time
to time.
I. Pronouns. Masculine pronouns and other words of masculine gender shall
refer to both men and women.
J. Titles and Headings. The titles and headings of the sections in the Plan
are for convenience of reference only, and, in the event of any conflict between any such
title or heading and the text of the Plan, such text shall control.
The Board may at any time terminate the Plan. The Board may at any time, or from time to
time, amend or suspend and, if suspended, reinstate the Plan in whole or in part. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, the Plan shall continue in effect to the extent necessary to settle all matters
relating to the payment of bonuses awarded prior to any such termination or suspension.
Schedule I
Annual Senior Executive Bonus Plan
for 2007
Participants and
Bonus Targets
Total |
Performance |
Name |
Position |
Bonus Target |
Component |
Component |
Carl H. Lindner III |
Co-CEO & Co-President |
$ |
1,150,000 |
50 |
% |
50 |
% |
S. Craig Lindner |
Co-CEO & Co-President |
$ |
1,150,000 |
50 |
% |
50 |
% |
James E. Evans |
Senior Vice President |
$ |
850,000 |
50 |
% |
50 |
% |
Keith A. Jensen |
Senior Vice President |
$ |
560,000 |
50 |
% |
50 |
% |
Thomas E. Mischell |
Senior Vice President |
$ |
375,000 |
50 |
% |
50 |
% |
Schedule II
Annual Senior Executive Bonus Plan
for 2007
2007 Performance Criteria for Participants
The overall bonus for 2007 for each Participant will be the sum of such Participant’s bonuses for
the following two Performance Criteria components:
A. |
EPS Component. |
Each participant’s bonus allocated to the EPS Component will range from 0% up to 175% with
respect to the Co-Chief Executive Officers, and 0% up to 125% with respect to the Senior
Vice Presidents, of the dollar amount of the Bonus Target allocated to the EPS Component,
based on the following levels of reported earnings per common share from insurance
operations (“Operating EPS” defined below) achieved by the Company and its consolidated
subsidiaries for 2007: |
Percentage of Bonus Target to be paid |
for EPS Component |
Operating EPS |
Co-CEOs |
Senior VPs |
Less than $3.10 |
0 |
% |
0 |
% |
$3.33 |
100 |
% |
100 |
% |
$3.55 or more |
175 |
% |
125 |
% |
If the Operating EPS is $3.10 or greater, but less than $3.33, or if the Operating EPS is
greater than $3.33 and less than $3.55, the bonus will be determined by straight-line
interpolation. |
The Operating EPS to be considered is diluted EPS from the Company’s insurance operations
and not including investee results, realized gains and losses in the investment portfolio
and unusual or non-recurring items; non-recurring items shall include any charge taken as a
result of a regularly scheduled re-examination of asbestos, environmental and other mass
tort liabilities. Additionally, the Committee shall have the power and authority, in its
discretion, to adjust reported Operating EPS upward or downward for purposes of the Plan to
the extent the Committee deems equitable. |
B. |
Performance Component |
Each participant’s bonus allocated to the Company and Individual Performance Component will
range from 0% up to 175% with respect to the Co-Chief Executive Officers, and 0% up to 125%
with respect to the Senior Vice Presidents (of the dollar amount of the Bonus Target
allocated to the Company and Individual Performance Component) and will be determined by the
Compensation Committee, based on the achievement of the established performance objectives
and the Compensation Committee’s rating of the Company’s and the Participant’s performance
for the prior year. Such rating shall include a consideration of all factors deemed
relevant, including financial, non-financial and strategic factors. |
When determining the Company’s and the Participant’s performance, the Committee intends to
establish the factors it believes are relevant to such performance. It may be appropriate
to consider factors including, but not limited to: |
A. |
Financial measurements such as growth in book value per share, return on
equity, per share price of common stock relative to certain indices, status of the
Company’s debt-to-capital ratio, the combined ratios of the Company’s insurance
subsidiaries, and investment portfolio performance; and |
B. |
Other operational, qualitative measurements relating to the development and
implementation of strategic initiatives and annual objectives, responses to unexpected
developments, and the development of management personnel. |
The Committee intends to review these factors periodically with the Co-Chief Executive
Officers in connection with the discussion of management’s progress in addressing corporate
plans, results, and opportunities in the context of new economic and business developments. |
One East Fourth Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Proxy for Annual Meeting
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR the following Directors:
1. |
Proposal to Elect Directors |
FOR AUTHORITY to elect the
nominees listed below (except
vote for every nominee |
those specifically identified below
listed |
Carl H. Lindner
Carl H. Lindner III
S. Craig Lindner |
Theodore H. Emmerich
James E. Evans
Terry S. Jacobs |
William R. Martin
William W. Verity
Kenneth C. Ambrecht |
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR the following Proposals:
2. |
Proposal to ratify the Audit Committee’s appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as the Company’s Independent
Public Accountants for 2007 |
3. |
Proposal to Approve the 2007 Annual Senior Executive Bonus Plan and the performance goals used to
determine the amount of cash bonus payments to be awarded under the Plan as described therein. |
DATE: , 2007
(if held jointly)
Important: Please sign
exactly as name
appears hereon
indicating, where
proper, official
position or
capacity. In case of
joint holders, all
should sign. |
The undersigned, having received the Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement, hereby appoints
James C. Kennedy and Karl J. Grafe, and either of them, attorneys and proxies, with the full power
of substitution to each, for and in the name of the undersigned, to vote all shares of Common Stock
of the Company that the undersigned may be entitled to vote and directs the trustee under the
American Financial Group, Inc. Retirement and Savings Plan, to vote in person or by proxy all
shares of Common Stock of the Company allocated to any accounts of the undersigned under such Plan
at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the Company to be held May 17, 2007 at 11:30 A.M., in each
case on the matters set forth below (an at their discretion to cumulate votes in the election of
directors if cumulative voting is invoked by a shareholder through proper notice to the Company).
The proxies, in their discretion, are further authorized to vote (x) for the election of a person
to the Board of Directors if any nominee named herein becomes unable to serve or for good cause
will not serve, (y) on any matter which the Board of Directors did not know would be presented at
the 2007 Annual Meeting of Shareholders by a reasonable time before the proxy solicitation was
made, and (z) on such other matters as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment
You are encouraged to specify your choices by marking the appropriate boxes (SEE REVERSE SIDE), but
you need not mark any boxes if you wish to vote in accordance with the Board of Directors’
recommendations. The proxies cannot vote your shares unless you sign and return this card.
(Continued and to be signed on the reverse side.)